We are the OEA

Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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NEA College Benefit Program

NEA College Benefit Program

image: nea edvance college benefitNEA Member Benefits is excited to offer members and their families access to the NEA College Benefits Program in partnership with Edvance. This member benefit gives you and your family access to a growing number of regionally accredited1 schools and programs to meet your schedule, career goals, AND budgets.

  • Affordable Tuition and Union Discounts – Up to 50% off tuition
  • Transfer-friendly schools help you get credit for your previous courses
  • 100% online, career-focused Certificate, Associate, & Bachelor’s degree programs

Setting up an account is not necessary to get basic information about the program. When the site opens, DO NOT CLICK ON “LEARN MORE”. Instead, scroll down through the page to see the available colleges and answers to many frequently asked questions.

1As the most common and widely-recognized type of institutional accreditation, credits earned from regionally accredited schools can easily transfer to other institutions maximizing a student’s opportunity to earn credit for previous courses.

Eligible NEA members include active members in good standing and their family. Family includes a member’s spouse or domestic partner, children or dependents, and grandchildren.


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OEA/NEA Member Back-to-School Guide

Educator-tested tips, advice, and resources for a successful start to the school year

Students may still be enjoying their summer vacations, but for educators, the beginning of the next school year is just around the corner.

NEA Experts have compiled a list of tools, tips, and resources to connect with every student.

Sections Include: Professional Excellence from Members, for Members | School Me Podcasts | Classroom Management

Click here to get started.


Image: horizontal line

Additional Reading & Related Resources

Back-to-School Season

August 12, 2024


Back to School
OEA Member
Professional Resources



The Ohio Education Association (OEA) has partnered with Ursuline College and VESi to offer members a yearly subscription to online graduate courses. The subscription allows OEA members access to up to nine graduate credit hours (three courses) for only $200. You can enroll in one course per term or two courses during the summer. This exclusive benefit is only available to OEA members.

Click here to register: http://www.virtualeduc.com/oea



Education and Technology
Licensure and Certification
OEA Member
Professional Development
Professional Resources

Ohio Code of Conduct FAQs

Below are documents for a variety of topics to Frequently Asked Questions relating to Ohio’s Code of Conduct developed jointly between OEA and the Ohio Department of Education.

Click on each topic to down each document in .pdf format in the links below

  1. Social Media Tips – FAQ 1
    Smart technology is a convenient tool however it is important to keep the use of professional and personal accounts separate.
  2. Extracurricular Leaders – FAQ 2
    Educators who work with students outside of the classroom in academic, art and sports face unique risks.
  3. Dollars and Sense – FAQ 3
    Educators who collect, raise and/or manage money can be held personally and professionally liable.
  4. Drugs and Alcohol – FAQ 4
    Any inappropriate use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs can put an educator’s licensure at risk.
  5. Top Ten Professional Conduct Concerns – FAQ 5
    Information to help caring educators avoid mistakes which can lead to consequences.
  6. Testing and Academic Integrity – FAQ 6
    Accurate collection and reporting of all educational data (testing, attendance, grades, etc.) is required of all licensed educators.
  7. Rapback Applications – FAQ 7
    To ensure safe learning communities, all individuals seeking initial and/or renewal of licenses and permits, must complete required background checks.
  8. Classroom Management and Etiquette – FAQ 8
    The proactive implementation of positive classroom management and expectations can go a long way in preventing licensure consequences.
  9. Broken Contracts – FAQ 9
    All licensed individuals should understand the legal and licensure consequences of breaking a contract.
  10. Educational Leaders – FAQ 10
    Educational leaders who demonstrate professionalism sets the tone of educational communities and workplaces.
  11. Remote Instruction – FAQ 11
    With the changes to instructional format, situations relating to ethics, student privacy and professional conduct may look different.
  12. Professional Boundaries and Personal Business – FAQ 12
    Technology can blur the line between professional and personal interaction with students.
  13. Mandatory Reporting – FAQ 13
    All educational employees are considered mandatory reporters of abuse and neglect.


Education Support Professionals
New Teacher
preK-12 Teacher
Professional Resources

OEA Educational Foundation

The work of the Ohio Educational Foundation is to fund initiatives that enhance student learning, student achievement, and well being, as well as promote social justice. Its Board of Directors is pleased to introduce four new funding opportunities available to all OEA members:

  1. Diversity Grant
  2. Innovation Grant
  3. Whisper Grants
  4. Make-A-Wish® / Adopt-A-Wish®

Grant applications may be submitted using the new OEA online form tool or printed and then mailed/email to the addresses within the application. Click HERE for more details!


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Scholarships and Awards

OEA ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship

Image: Click here to submit form online
Click the image above to complete (and submit) your application online!

The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an Education Support Professional member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior-level education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university.

Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association. Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.

The award will be presented at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly.

The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.

TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.

Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.

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Top 10 Reasons to Belong to OEA

Throughout our more than 175-year history, OEA members have been involved in every struggle and effort to advance the finest of America’s dreams: a quality public education for every child. OEA currently represents more than 120,000 teachers, faculty members, and support professionals who work in Ohio’s schools, colleges, and universities to improve public education and the lives of Ohio’s children.

If you have additional questions, contact us at: 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or send us an email to: membership@ohea.org.

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Professional Resources

OEA Glatt/Holloways Human and Civil Rights Award

Dr. Charles A. Glatt was a professor of education at The Ohio State University specializing in human relations, affirmative action, and desegregation. He served as a presenter at several OEA workshops and is fondly remembered for his presentation entitled “Ego Trippin’ with Charlie G.” On September 19, 1975, Dr. Glatt, a nationally known desegregationist, was shot and killed by an assassin while working on the desegregation plan in Dayton Public Schools. This “Special Friend” Award symbolizes the commitment Charles Glatt had to humanity.

The Holloways’ commitment to the education profession and exemplary human relations skills is evidenced by a total of 75-plus years of dedicated service and numerous contributions to the profession. As ambassadors for the profession, not only across the state of Ohio and the nation, but around the world as well, they provided leadership at 30 OEA Representative Assemblies, 29 NEA Representative Assemblies, 9 WCOTP World Assemblies, and 8 years of service to the OEA Human and Civil Rights Commission (formerly called the Human Relations Commission).

The purpose of this award is to recognize achievements in human relations, and related intercultural activities throughout the state of Ohio that impact upon children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession.

Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award by completing the online nomination form by January 31, 2025.

Recipients of the Award will be honored at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly Awards Luncheon.

Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.

NOTE: The completed online application form must be received on or before January 31, 2025. ** Late applications will not be considered.

All applicants will receive notification of receipt of his/her application. The finalists may receive an interview request at the discretion of the committee. Only complete applications will be considered. The OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to present no award, or to refer an applicant to another award or scholarship.

TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.

Questions or Concerns? Please contact us at awards@ohea.org

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Page Updated: November 1, 2024


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Scholarships and Awards