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Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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OEA Educational Foundation

OEA Educational Foundation

The work of the Ohio Educational Foundation is to fund initiatives that enhance student learning, student achievement, and well being, as well as promote social justice. Its Board of Directors is pleased to introduce four new funding opportunities available to all OEA members:

  1. Diversity Grant
  2. Innovation Grant
  3. Whisper Grants
  4. Make-A-Wish® / Adopt-A-Wish®

Grant applications may be submitted using the new OEA online form tool or printed and then mailed/email to the addresses within the application. Click HERE for more details!


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Scholarships and Awards

OEA ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship

Image: Click here to submit form online
Click the image above to complete (and submit) your application online!

The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an Education Support Professional member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior-level education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university.

Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association. Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.

The award will be presented at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly.

The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.

TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.

Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.

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Scholarships and Awards

OEA Glatt/Holloways Human and Civil Rights Award

Dr. Charles A. Glatt was a professor of education at The Ohio State University specializing in human relations, affirmative action, and desegregation. He served as a presenter at several OEA workshops and is fondly remembered for his presentation entitled “Ego Trippin’ with Charlie G.” On September 19, 1975, Dr. Glatt, a nationally known desegregationist, was shot and killed by an assassin while working on the desegregation plan in Dayton Public Schools. This “Special Friend” Award symbolizes the commitment Charles Glatt had to humanity.

The Holloways’ commitment to the education profession and exemplary human relations skills is evidenced by a total of 75-plus years of dedicated service and numerous contributions to the profession. As ambassadors for the profession, not only across the state of Ohio and the nation, but around the world as well, they provided leadership at 30 OEA Representative Assemblies, 29 NEA Representative Assemblies, 9 WCOTP World Assemblies, and 8 years of service to the OEA Human and Civil Rights Commission (formerly called the Human Relations Commission).

The purpose of this award is to recognize achievements in human relations, and related intercultural activities throughout the state of Ohio that impact upon children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession.

Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award by completing the online nomination form by January 31, 2025.

Recipients of the Award will be honored at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly Awards Luncheon.

Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.

NOTE: The completed online application form must be received on or before January 31, 2025. ** Late applications will not be considered.

All applicants will receive notification of receipt of his/her application. The finalists may receive an interview request at the discretion of the committee. Only complete applications will be considered. The OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to present no award, or to refer an applicant to another award or scholarship.

TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.

Questions or Concerns? Please contact us at awards@ohea.org

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Page Updated: November 1, 2024


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Scholarships and Awards

OEA Awards and Scholarships

Image: OEA Awards & Scholarships Logo
OEA is pleased to celebrate, honor, and reward the outstanding work of our members, affiliates, and individuals who have made special contributions to the improvement of public education.

For an application or nomination form, visit the OEA website at www.ohea.org, under AFFILIATE RESOURCES, and select the Grants & Scholarships link.

The deadline for all applications is January 31, 2025.

  • OEA BLUE RIBBON ASSOCIATION AWARD | The OEA Blue Ribbon Association Award recognizes a local OEA affiliate for its demonstration of innovative problem- solving techniques and/or unique public relations and communication skills. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • GLATT/HOLLOWAYS AWARD | OEA recognizes achievements in human relations and related intercultural activities that impact children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession by presenting the OEA Glatt/Holloways — Human and Civil Rights Award. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • DORIS L. ALLEN AWARD | OEA recognizes achievements in human relations and related intercultural activities that impact children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession by presenting the OEA Doris L. Allen — Human and Civil Rights Award. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • ESP AWARD | The Education Support Professional Award is presented each year to an OEA member whose activities reflect the contributions of education support professionals to public education. The recipient must have been a member of OEA for three years as of July 15 of the award year. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • ESP ASPIRING TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP | The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an ESP member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university. Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • OEA FRIEND OF EDUCATION AWARD | The OEA Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • JEAN KERSHAW SCHOLARSHIP | The $2,000 Jean Kershaw Scholarship is presented each year to a student member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university. Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Student Education Association and the NEA Aspiring Educator Program. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • JFK SCHOLARSHIP | The $4,000 John F. Kennedy Scholarship is presented each year to an OEA member who is a career teacher enrolled in a graduate-level program and in need of financial assistance. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • MARILYN CROSS SCHOLARSHIP | The $4,000 Marilyn Cross Scholarship is presented to an OEA member and career teacher enrolled in a graduate- level program directly linked to his/ her current area of licensure. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • MEDIA AWARD FOR PUBLIC SERVICE | The Media Award for Public Service recognizes an individual and/or organization for a major contribution to the better understanding of the problems, progress, and needs of public education, or for programming of an outstanding educational nature. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • OEA PEACE AND INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING AWARD | OEA recognizes individual members and local associations who have furthered the cause of peace and international understanding by presenting the OEA Peace and International Relations Awards. CLICK HERE TO APPLY









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Scholarships and Awards
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NEA-Retired Jack Kinnaman Memorial Scholarship

The NEA-Retired Jack Kinnaman Memorial Scholarship is to offset the tuition of a NEA student member, the amount has greatly increased to five scholarships of $3,500 each.

The NEA-Retired Jack Kinnaman Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of an education advocate and longtime NEA member, Jack Kinnaman, Vice President and former Advisory Council member of the NEA-Retired. Kinnaman is most fondly remembered as NEA’s “Cat in the Hat.”

Applicants must be a member of the NEA Student Program. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered. To be considered for this award, aspiring educators must submit an application and several letters of recommendation. The NEA-Retired Intergenerational Committee selects the winners, who are announced at the NEA-Retired Annual meeting. Applications are due on April 15, 2024.  To submit an application click here.

Please read the NEA site for the deadline for current application and all relevant materials.

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Revised January 22, 2024



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OEA Secretary-Treasurer’s Fiscal Fitness Award

The OEA Secretary-Treasurer’s Fiscal Fitness Award recognizes Local Associations excelling in the implementation of financial best practices. (It is presented to winning Locals rather than to the individual treasurer of the locals.) The full criteria and how to participate is outlined HERE. Locals must submit materials for the 2023-2024 fiscal year award by January 31, 2025, to:

OEA Secretary-Treasurer
OEA Fiscal Fitness Award
225 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215

If you have questions, or require additional guidance, please call Secretary-Treasurer Rob McFee at 614-227-3199

Have an Additional Question?
InfOEA is a one-stop point of contact providing phone and email assistance to all members, particularly local treasurers and other members with administrative responsibilities.

  • Email: membership@ohea.org
  • Call: 1-(844)-OEA-INFO or 1-(844)-632-4636 | Mon.-Fri., during traditional business hours

Additional Resources

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Updated October 24, 2024


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Affiliate Grants Program

Image: OEA Affliate Grant Program
Click the image above to download a copy of the application.

The OEA Affiliate Grant Program was created to build strong and effective locals.

The Program makes grants available to all local OEA affiliates, whether a large local or a small local. To be eligible for a grant, the affiliate must provide a statement of how its program will strengthen the Association at the local, state, and/or national level. OEA Districts are not eligible.

There are four (4) types of grants available:

  1. One-Year Special Project Grant – available every year.
  2. Two-Year Special Project Grant – available every two (2) years only, must apply in a fiscal year beginning with an odd number. (e.g., 2023-2024 fiscal year application cycle)
  3. Effective Locals Grant – available every two (2) years only, must apply in fiscal year beginning with odd-numbered year. (e.g., 2023-2024 fiscal year application cycle)
  4. Release Time Grant – available every year, approval subject to NEA’s guidelines.

Click here to download a flier with additional program details and general grant requirements, or download a description of the different affiliate grants types. | Click the icon above or click here for an OEA Affiliate Grant Application

Applicants must apply using an application downloaded from the OEA website, or by request via email to Grants@ohea.org. Click here to download a timeline of the Affiliate Grant application process (Oct. 1, 2024, through midnight Jan. 31, 2025).

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Updated: October 2, 2024


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NEA Foundation Grants

The NEA Foundation is a public charity founded by educators for educators to improve public education for all students.

Throughout the year, the NEA Foundation awards over 150 grants to support educators’ efforts to close the achievement gaps, develop creative learning opportunities for students, and enhance their own professional development.

OEA encourages all eligible educational professionals to apply for these grants. There are two primary grant categories open to all public education professionals:

  1. Student Achievement
  2. Learning & Leadership
Student Achievement Grants: $5,000

These grants promote classroom innovation and engage students in critical thinking, inquiry, and self-direct learning that deepens knowledge of standards-based subject matter. Approximately 75 awards are announced annually.

Criteria / Proposed learning opportunity should:

  • Include specific and measurable goals for student that are rigorous and aligned to state standards
  • Include activities that engage students in critical thinking and problem solving
  • Align goals, assessment, activities, and budget
Learning & Leadership Grants:

These grants support high-quality professional development opportunities, including, Summer Institutes, action research, collegial study, lesson study, and mentoring. Approximately 75 grants are award annually —$2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups.

Criteria /Proposed professional development should:

  • Be directly related to a clear and compelling student need, based on data
  • Include collegial sharing that is interactive and sustained over time
  • Be likely to improve student achievement
  • Include a budget that is appropriate to the project goals
Applying for Foundation Grants:

Applicants must be a practicing U.S. public school employee:

  • PreK-12 teachers
  • Education support professionals
  • Higher education faculty and staff

As a grantee, you are expected to:

  • Fully implement your proposed plan
  • Complete a final report that includes a narrative of your project’s accomplishments and a financial report of expenditures
  • Share any materials developed and press clippings collected
  • Share your findings with colleagues and others

Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed three times a year, beginning on February 1, June 1, and October 15. The NEA Foundation offers writing tips for grants on its website at www.neafoundation.org. The site also includes brief descriptions of past recipients’ work.

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OEA Friend of Education Award

Click here to submit form online
Click the image above to complete (and submit) your application online!

The Ohio Education Association Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. Past recipients include a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representatives, and a corporation.

Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award. The OEA President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall review the nomination(s) and supporting rationale.

Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.

The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered. The OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to present no award or to refer an applicant to another award or scholarship.

TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.

Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.

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Scholarships and Awards

OEA Media Award for Public Service

Click here to submit form online
Click the image above to complete (and submit) your application online!

The OEA Media Award for Public Service Award recognizes an individual and/or organization for a major contribution to the better understanding of the problems, progress, and needs of public education, or for programming of an outstanding educational nature.

Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award.

The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.

TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.

Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.

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Scholarships and Awards