2024 Retirement Board Training Scholarships Available
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OEA Educational Foundation
The work of the Ohio Educational Foundation is to fund initiatives that enhance student learning, student achievement, and well being, as well as promote social justice. Its Board of Directors is pleased to introduce four new funding opportunities available to all OEA members:
- Diversity Grant
- Innovation Grant
- Whisper Grants
- Make-A-Wish® / Adopt-A-Wish®
Grant applications may be submitted using the new OEA online form tool or printed and then mailed/email to the addresses within the application. Click HERE for more details!
OEA ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship

The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an Education Support Professional member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior-level education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university.
Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association. Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.
The award will be presented at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly.
The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.
TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.
Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.
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OEA Glatt/Holloways Human and Civil Rights Award
Dr. Charles A. Glatt was a professor of education at The Ohio State University specializing in human relations, affirmative action, and desegregation. He served as a presenter at several OEA workshops and is fondly remembered for his presentation entitled “Ego Trippin’ with Charlie G.” On September 19, 1975, Dr. Glatt, a nationally known desegregationist, was shot and killed by an assassin while working on the desegregation plan in Dayton Public Schools. This “Special Friend” Award symbolizes the commitment Charles Glatt had to humanity.
The Holloways’ commitment to the education profession and exemplary human relations skills is evidenced by a total of 75-plus years of dedicated service and numerous contributions to the profession. As ambassadors for the profession, not only across the state of Ohio and the nation, but around the world as well, they provided leadership at 30 OEA Representative Assemblies, 29 NEA Representative Assemblies, 9 WCOTP World Assemblies, and 8 years of service to the OEA Human and Civil Rights Commission (formerly called the Human Relations Commission).
The purpose of this award is to recognize achievements in human relations, and related intercultural activities throughout the state of Ohio that impact upon children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession.
Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award by completing the online nomination form by January 31, 2025.
Recipients of the Award will be honored at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly Awards Luncheon.
Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.
NOTE: The completed online application form must be received on or before January 31, 2025. ** Late applications will not be considered.
All applicants will receive notification of receipt of his/her application. The finalists may receive an interview request at the discretion of the committee. Only complete applications will be considered. The OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to present no award, or to refer an applicant to another award or scholarship.
TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.
Questions or Concerns? Please contact us at awards@ohea.org
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Page Updated: November 1, 2024
OEA Awards and Scholarships
OEA is pleased to celebrate, honor, and reward the outstanding work of our members, affiliates, and individuals who have made special contributions to the improvement of public education.
For an application or nomination form, visit the OEA website at www.ohea.org, under AFFILIATE RESOURCES, and select the Grants & Scholarships link.
The deadline for all applications is January 31, 2025.
- OEA BLUE RIBBON ASSOCIATION AWARD | The OEA Blue Ribbon Association Award recognizes a local OEA affiliate for its demonstration of innovative problem- solving techniques and/or unique public relations and communication skills. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- GLATT/HOLLOWAYS AWARD | OEA recognizes achievements in human relations and related intercultural activities that impact children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession by presenting the OEA Glatt/Holloways — Human and Civil Rights Award. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- DORIS L. ALLEN AWARD | OEA recognizes achievements in human relations and related intercultural activities that impact children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession by presenting the OEA Doris L. Allen — Human and Civil Rights Award. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- ESP AWARD | The Education Support Professional Award is presented each year to an OEA member whose activities reflect the contributions of education support professionals to public education. The recipient must have been a member of OEA for three years as of July 15 of the award year. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- ESP ASPIRING TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP | The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an ESP member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university. Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- OEA FRIEND OF EDUCATION AWARD | The OEA Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- JEAN KERSHAW SCHOLARSHIP | The $2,000 Jean Kershaw Scholarship is presented each year to a student member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university. Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Student Education Association and the NEA Aspiring Educator Program. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- JFK SCHOLARSHIP | The $4,000 John F. Kennedy Scholarship is presented each year to an OEA member who is a career teacher enrolled in a graduate-level program and in need of financial assistance. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- MARILYN CROSS SCHOLARSHIP | The $4,000 Marilyn Cross Scholarship is presented to an OEA member and career teacher enrolled in a graduate- level program directly linked to his/ her current area of licensure. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- MEDIA AWARD FOR PUBLIC SERVICE | The Media Award for Public Service recognizes an individual and/or organization for a major contribution to the better understanding of the problems, progress, and needs of public education, or for programming of an outstanding educational nature. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
- OEA PEACE AND INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING AWARD | OEA recognizes individual members and local associations who have furthered the cause of peace and international understanding by presenting the OEA Peace and International Relations Awards. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
OEA Member Resource Guide 2017
Thank you for your membership, your voice, and your commitment to education. As an OEA member you have access to an array of benefits and services at the local, state, and national levels.
Use this guide as an overview to help you make the most of your OEA Membership. Within, you’ll learn more about:
- Ways to Become Involved
- Fighting for Public Education
- OEA Staff, Leadership, and Board of Directors
- OEA Higher Education Benefit
- Awards and Scholarships
- Valuable NEA Member Benefits and Services
Throughout our more than 150-year history, OEA members have been involved in every struggle and effort to advance the finest of America’s dreams: a quality public education for every child.
If you have additional questions, contact us at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or send us an email to: membership@ohea.org.
Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchools — Past Issues
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Fact Finder for the Ohio Teacher
The Teacher Contract
Ohio teachers work under one of two basic types of contracts–limited or continuing. Limited contracts must be renewed periodically. State statute or your collective bargaining agreement determine the procedure the employer must use to non-renew a limited contract. A continuing contract remains in effect until a teacher dies, resigns, voluntarily retires, is suspended or terminated for cause.
Supplemental: Supplemental contracts are limited contracts issued for extra duties assigned beyond the regular teaching assignment. Contracts must set forth in writing the additional duties to be performed and must specify compensation to be paid for that assignment. Supplemental contracts should cover all educational responsibilities outside the regular teaching assignment other than voluntary duties. There is no notice requirement for termination of supplemental contracts, unless otherwise negotiated in a collective bargaining agreement.
Types of Licenses
Resident Educator (Four-Year)–Upon completion of an approved teacher education program, graduates are given a four-year Resident Educator license, which may be used for full-time or substitute teaching. The Resident Educator license is non-renewable, but may be extended on a case-by-case basis. Advancement to a five-year Professional Educator License requires the successful completion of a four-year Resident Educator Program.
Reading Requirement for Teachers Holding the Following Resident Educator Licenses: Early Childhood Education, Middle Childhood Education, and Intervention Specialist. Newly-licensed teachers who hold the resident educator license in early childhood, middle childhood, or intervention specialist should be mindful of how many semester hours of reading they completed during their pre-service teacher education program. Some teacher education institutions require that graduates in these fields complete six semester hours of reading, including instruction in phonics, in order to qualify for graduation and the two-year provisional license. Other teacher education institutions require students to complete 12 semester credit hours. Because the five-year professional license for early childhood, middle childhood, or intervention specialist requires a minimum of twelve (12) semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in reading including phonics, newly-licensed teachers should determine whether they need to take additional hours in reading to meet the twelve-hour requirement. Assuming that the teacher has completed course work in the teaching of phonics, additional reading courses might address a range of instructional strategies for teaching reading, the assessment of reading skills, and the diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties. If a resident educator license holder has not completed the necessary course work before the expiration of the license, her/his application for a professional license will be denied.
Professional (Five-Year)—Conversion from the Resident Educator (four-year) license to the Professional Educator (five-year) license requires completion of a four-year Resident Educator Program in an assignment under the four-year Resident Educator license, including a state-required summative prescribed performance assessment.. No additional professional development credits are required, except as explained below.
Senior Professional Educator (Five-Year)—Advancement to a Senior Professional Educator license (five-year) from a Professional Educator license (five-year) requires that an educator meet the following requirements: 1) Have a Master’s degree or higher from an institution of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting organization; 2) have nine years experience teaching under a standard teaching license with 120 days of service as defined by ORC, of which at least five years are under a professional/permanent license/certificate; and 3) have successfully completed the Master Teacher Portfolio.
Lead Professional Educator (Five-Year)— Advancement to a Lead Professional Educator license (five-year) from a Professional Educator license (five-year) requires that an educator meet the following requirements: 1) Have a Master’s degree or higher from an institution of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting organization; 2) have nine years experience teaching under a standard teaching license with 120 days of service as defined by ORC, of which at least five years are under a professional/permanent license/certificate; and 3) have successfully completed the Master Teacher Portfolio AND earned the Teacher Leader Endorsement OR hold active National Board Certification.
Professional Development for Licensure Renewal
An educator’s Individual Professional Development Plan [IPDP] must be filed with and approved by the Local Professional Development Committee[LPDC] prior to earning credits for course work or continuing education to renew a license or to transition from a certificate to a license.
Transitioning to or Renewing a Professional (Five-Year) License—Transition from an eight-year professional certificate to a professional license requires the completion of a combination of course work, CEUs or other equivalent educational activities, equal to six semester hours, according to an LPDC-approved Individual Professional Development Plan and in accordance with LPDC criteria for professional development. There is no provision for reducing the course work or professional development requirements on the basis of work experience.
Professional License (Five-Year) renewals—The educator must successfully earn six (6) semester hours or 18 CEUs or other LPDC-approved educational activities, according to an LPDC-approved Individual Professional Development Plan and in accordance with LPDC criteria for professional development.
For more information about the Ohio’s licensure standards, including fees for application, contact the Office of Educator Licensure at the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), 25 S. Front St., Columbus, OH 43215- 4183, (614) 466-2006 or visit the center’s website at www.ode.state.oh.us.
The necessary application for a new certificate or license or a renewal may be obtained at the ODE. An LPDC must review an individual’s professional development and verify that it meets the requirements for renewal before ODE will act on an application for renewal. For current licensure fees, visit ODE’s website search term “Educator License Applications.”
Teacher Sick Leave
The law requires that teachers be permitted to accumulate at least 120 days of sick leave at the rate of 15 days per year credited at the rate of one and one-fourth days per month. Any accumulation beyond 120 days is covered by the collective bargaining agreement and/or board policy.
The law permits the use of sick leave for personal illness, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, injury, exposure to a contagious disease, and absence due to illness, injury, or death in the employee’s immediate family.
Under the law, teachers who are disabled and who have exhausted their sick leave are entitled to unpaid leave for the duration of their disability, not to exceed two years, and may receive leave renewals after the two-year period has expired.
Any public employee may carry accumulated sick leave from one public employer to another, provided the break in service between jobs does not exceed ten years.
Parental Leave
Members wishing to take a leave of absence for reasons of maternity, adoption or child rearing may be granted such leave based upon negotiated contracts. They may be entitled to such leave under equal employment opportunity laws and under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
Important Teacher Dates
May 1: Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) and Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System (OSCES) educators must have completed their evaluation, if applicable. The final evaluation report must be received not later than May 10.
June 1: Any limited contract teacher must be notified not later than June 1 of the board’s intent to non-renew their contract. Failure of a board to provide such notice, or failure of the board to perform three observations, automatically results in re-employment for one year under a limited contract.
Unless teachers notify the board of education in writing to the contrary by June 1, they are presumed to have accepted re-employment under the provisions of the contract offered by the board.
July 1: Teachers must be notified in writing by July 1 of their salary for the coming school year. The salary may be increased due to schedule improvements through negotiations.
July 10: A teacher must resign not later than July 10 for the next school year. After July 10, the teacher must have the board’s consent or face a possible suspension of their teaching license for up to one year
Teacher Severance Pay
Teachers can receive severance pay based upon accumulated unused sick leave at the time of retirement. Payment may be for all or part of accumulated unused sick leave based upon the policy in force in the district or the negotiated contract. If the district has no policy, or there is no local contract language on this point, the law provides for severance pay in an amount equal to one-fourth of the accrued unused sick leave, up to a maximum accrual of 30 days.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and various Ohio state laws offer protection against discrimination in the areas of supplemental salaries, pregnancy leave, promotion, termination, transfer and other areas. If a member believes he or she is being discriminated against for legally proscribed reasons, the member should contact their OEA Labor Relations Consultant.
Removing Disruptive Pupils from Class
Ohio law gives teachers the legal right to remove disruptive pupils from the classroom. OEA-backed legislation gives teachers the right to “remove a pupil from curricular or extra curricular activities” with the condition that the teacher submit written reasons for the removal to the principal as soon as possible. This right applies when, in the judgment of the teacher, the “pupil’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process.” In addition to regular suspension and expulsion, the law also permits a school district to permanently expel a pupil under certain circumstances.
Children with identified learning disabilities are subject to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law which may guide how to deal with disruptive students with such disabilities.
Teachers and Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment is prohibited in Ohio schools unless a school board has established a policy that permits it. If your school board has a policy permitting corporal punishment, get a copy of that policy and adhere strictly to it when considering the use of corporal punishment. If you are unsure whether your district has a policy permitting it, refrain from using corporal punishment until you are certain of your school district’s policy.
Ohio law allows the use of such amount of force and restraint as is “reasonable and necessary” to quell a disturbance which threatens physical injury to others, to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects within the pupil’s control, for the purpose of self-defense or for the protection of persons or property.
OEA Friend of Education Award

The Ohio Education Association Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. Past recipients include a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representatives, and a corporation.
Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award. The OEA President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall review the nomination(s) and supporting rationale.
Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.
The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered. The OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to present no award or to refer an applicant to another award or scholarship.
TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.
Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.
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OEA Media Award for Public Service

The OEA Media Award for Public Service Award recognizes an individual and/or organization for a major contribution to the better understanding of the problems, progress, and needs of public education, or for programming of an outstanding educational nature.
Any member of the Ohio Education Association may nominate an individual or organization to receive this award.
The online nomination form must be completed in a single session, as you will not be able to save, and return to it at a later time without starting over. In addition it must be received on or before February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.
TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.
Please click here to see the rubric that the OEA Awards Committee will use to evaluate each submission.
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OEA Jean Kershaw Scholarship
This $2,000 student scholarship fund was established to honor the memory of Jean Kershaw, a long-time OEA employee who died in the fall of 1985, after having served as secretary to 11 OEA Presidents.
In order to qualify for this award, a student applicant must be an undergraduate currently enrolled as:
- a sophomore, junior, or a fourth-year student in a five-year program in an approved teacher education program at an accredited Ohio college or university; OR,
- a senior in an approved teacher education program at an Ohio college or university who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university.
All applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association and the NEA-Student Program. Applicants need to demonstrate success in their teacher education program and provide evidence of financial need.
Current members of the OEA Board of Directors and association staff members are not eligible for this scholarship. In addition, OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee Members are not eligible for two years after completion of service on the committee to apply or to be nominated.
The award will be presented at the OEA Spring Representative Assembly Awards Luncheon. For additional information, please contact Awards by emailing: awards@ohea.org.
NOTE: The completed online application form must be received on or before January 31, 2025. ** Late applications will not be considered.
All applicants will receive notification of receipt of his/her application. The finalists may receive an interview request at the discretion of the committee. Only complete applications will be considered. The OEA Awards and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to present no award, or to refer an applicant to another award or scholarship.
TIP: Consider using this nomination worksheet as a guide prior to completing the online form. This guide can not be submitted in lieu of the online nomination form.
Questions or Concerns? Please contact us at awards@ohea.org
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Page Updated: November 1, 2024