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Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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OEA Celebrates Veterans Day

OEA’s celebrates Veteran’s Day with a new tradition to highlight members in the National Guard or Reserves or have a family member currently serving in the Armed Forces. The members below were highlighted on OEA’s Facebook and Instagram pages throughout Veteran’s Day. Please visit the posts to like, comment, follow, and especially share to Salute Our Heroes.

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Pam Assenheimer Pam AssenheimerBarbara Coulter Barbara CoulterMichael Farren Michael Farren
Mark Fields Mark FieldsJessica Hyde Jessica HydeMichael Farren Shelli Jackson
Mark Fields Tammy LaPlanteSherri Lawrence Sherri LawrenceBurce Moore Bruce Moore
Mark Fields Dawn PorterKathleen Purdy Kathleen PurdyTaraja Shephard Allen Taraja Shepard Allen
Barb Summers Barb SummersSherise Thompson Sherise ThompsonJulie Taylor Julie Taylor
Zach Jones Zach Jones