Education Support Professional Award Nomination | ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship Nomination
The ESP Educator Voice Academy’s mission is to improve the working conditions of ALL educators. Please take our survey and let us know your thoughts on how we can build a culture of respect, recognition, and fair compensation for all education support professionals.
Host a meeting with OAESP Leadership with you and the members of your local with a conversation over good food.
Education Support Professionals (ESPs) are committed to students and public education. These dedicated professionals—paraeducators, custodians, cafeteria workers, and many more—keep the lesson plans flowing, the carpool lanes running, the lunch lines moving, and the buildings running. Their reach extends beyond school grounds into the communities they work in as coaches of sports teams, members of parent’s organizations, or volunteers for a local food drive. They are vital to the success of students and schools throughout Ohio and the nation.
Education Support Professionals are:
Educated, well-trained, and experienced.
More than one half (57%) of K-12 ESPs, and a majority (94%) of higher-ed ESPs, have an Associate’s or more advanced degree.
Committed to students and their success.
Most (61%) higher-ed ESPs plan to remain in their field and 41% plan to stay in their current profession until retirement.
Two-thirds (66%) of K-12 ESPs have given money out of their own pockets to help students with school supplies, field trips, and class projects.
Active in the school community.
A majority (71%) of K-12 ESPs live in the school district in which they work and many volunteer in those communities.
Focused on safety.
A majority (78%) of K-12 ESPs have responsibilities for promoting and ensuring student and staff safety.
Read about outstanding ESP in the following Ohio Schools issues

January 25, 2025 – 2025 OEA ESP Leadership Summit
March 21-23, 2025 – 2025 ESP National Conference, Nashville, TN
November 19, 2025 – National ESP Day
The Education Support Professional of the Year Award is presented each year to an OEA member whose activities reflect the contributions of education
support professionals to public education.
OEA 2024 ESP of the Year Cheryl Williams’ journey in public education began in 2001, marked by five years of invaluable experience in various roles within Southwestern City Schools before joining Dublin City Schools. Her dedication and passion for supporting Education Support Professionals (ESPs) has positioned her as a prominent figure within the field. Read her full profile in the 2024 June/July Ohio Schools issue.
OEA 2023 ESP of the Year is Greeneview Classified EA’s Amy Ballard who is a compassionate, safety-conscious bus driver and dedicated union advocate who has been recognized in her community for her exemplary service and leadership. Read her full profile in the 2023 June/July Ohio Schools issue.
OEA’s 2022 ESP of the Year Debra Van Gorder (Ashtabula Association of Classified School Employees) is a paraprofessional at Lakeside Junior High in Ashtabula, where she has worked since 2008. Read her full profile in the 2022 June/July Ohio Schools issue.
Meeting dates to come
225 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH, 43215
800-282-1500 | 614-227-3119
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OEA Staff Liaison: Matt Ides