Ohio’s educators make a difference in their students’ lives every day. From classroom teachers to paraeducators, professors, bus drivers, school secretaries, custodians, and more, Ohio’s public school employees have dedicated their lives to serving our kids and making our schools great. And we want to say thank you.
Join the Ohio Education Association in recognizing our Education Champions across the state by watching the honorees below. Thank you to everyone who nominated an Education Champion during the 2022-2023 school year!

Education Champions - Sarah Gantzer

Val Chaney | Streetsboro Middle School

Natasha Hurt Hayes | Princeton City Schools

Stephanie Plumly | Mt Vernon High School

Mindy Worst | Carey Elementary School

Cindy Dickman | Arcanum Middle School

Cameron Barker | Whitehall City Schools

Dana Yaro Linderman | Independence Middle School

Leigh Ann Simpson | Urbana High School

J Sanchez | Columbus City Schools

Carol Speiser | Napoleon Area Schools

Tonya Thorbahn | Findlay City Schools

Tonya Snyder | Gallia County Local Schools

Larry Carey | Columbus City Schools

Amanda Hoffman | Clearcreek Elementary School

Becky Ferrara and Cassie Morris | Portsmouth Elementary School

Tammy Huyghe | Lincoln Elementary School

Amanda Gostlin | Green Middle School

Kristin Reffert | Medina High School

Korey Black | Worthingway Middle School