When it comes to public education, OEA members are the experts, and our voices must be heard. That’s what OEA’s education advocacy programs are all about, but those programs are much stronger when members from across the state get involved. Education advocacy and action the most important ways we can affect the future policy decisions that impact our students, colleagues, and public schools. Because we know that Public Education Matters, our advocacy to protect and improve public education is critical!

The Educator-Activist’s To-Do List
It’s more important than ever to get informed and involved in local, state and national politics. These easy to-do’s will help you accomplish just that.

Take Action: Current Actions
OEA believes that for those whose business is public education, activism is an obligation. Learn how you can take action right now.

OEA on the Issues
OEA is deeply committed to the success of every student and is driven by our core values of democracy, collective action, fairness, inclusion, integrity and professionalism. OEA supports legislation and policies consistent with these principles and opposes legislation detrimental to its interests. Find OEA’s position on a wide variety of issues and legislation.

Legislative Watch
Read new and archived issues of our newsletter covering current local, state and federal legislation and policies.

General Assembly Voting Record
OEA Government Relations has developed and will maintain an updated voting record for each member of the General Assembly.

Commission on Student Success Report
The recommendations contained in this report lay out a positive vision for a coordinated system of student assessment, educator quality, and school accountability designed to set students up for success.

Find important dates and upcoming OEA events. For events by your local association, contact your local president or visit your local’s website, many of which are listed here.

OEA Representative Assembly
The Representative Assembly (RA) is the policy-making body of the Association. The OEA RA meets semi-annually in the fall and spring in Columbus, Ohio.

NEA Representative Assembly
NEA’s Annual Meeting takes place during the final week of June and the first week of July.