We are the OEA

Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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OEA Board of Directors Committee Preference Survey

Please complete this form by June 3, 2024.

Please indicate your first, second and third choices. Previous service on a committee does not guarantee that you will again be assigned to the same committee.  Board members should have the opportunity to learn about different areas of the organization by serving on a variety of committees during their term.

Committees of the Board of Directors

Note:  Committees of the Board meet the night before each Board meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. You will not be appointed to more than one committee. The Awards Committee and Constitution and Bylaws Committee will have 10 members.  The Business/Support/Administration Committee will have 11 members, which includes the Secretary-Treasurer serving as the chairperson.

Awards Committee (Responsible for recommending to the OEA Board of Directors strategies that ensure the planning, implementation and assessment of an effective awards program, recommending to the Board recipients of awards, as assigned.)

Business/Support/Administration Committee (Responsible for the administration of an adequate and appropriate financial management system; perform the functions described in OEA Board Policy 310.050.)

Constitution and Bylaws Committee (Responsible for interpreting the Constitution and Bylaws, and for other duties as further described in OEA Board Policy.)

Strategic Priorities Oversight Committee (The Strategic Priorities Oversight Committee is charged with monitoring OEA progress on meeting the Strategic Priorities as set by the Board.  The committee monitors conditions of success as set by the Board of Directors in each of the Priorities.  The committee regularly meets, analyzes data and reports progress on the Strategic Priorities to the Board.  The committee also periodically reviews the Strategic Priorities and their conditions of success and recommends changes to the Board.)

Standing Committees – Board Liaison & Alternate Liaison

Note:  There is no requirement that Board members serve on these committees, however, each committee is assigned a Board of Directors Liaison who is expected to attend all meetings and play an active role on the committee they are assigned to. Board Liaisons to standing committees are non-voting members of the committee and are responsible for providing verbal updates during Board meetings on the work of their committee. Please indicate whether or not you would like to be the Board Liaison or alternate liaison for these standing committees.  Board Liaisons for all standing committees are expected to attend all Presidents Cabinet meetings the night before most Board meetings at 6:00 p.m.

Collective Bargaining & Member Advocacy (Develop strategies related to and monitor functions associated with ensuring the planning, implementation and assessment of a collective bargaining, contract enforcement and member protection and advocacy program that meets the needs of local affiliates.)

Human & Civil Rights (Identify current issues and trends impacting the human and civil rights of students and members and recommend to the OEA Board of Directors and other appropriate entities the creation of OEA strategies to promote social justice and diversity within the association and in the larger community.)

Professional Efficacy (Develop strategies related to and monitor functions associated with ensuring the planning, implementation and regular assessment of a professional development program that assists local affiliates to address professional development issues, promotes the OEA’s legislative agenda and meets the needs of locals and supports the professional growth of members.)

Local Development & Training (Develop strategies related to and monitor functions associated with ensuring the planning, implementation, and regular assessment of a statewide local development and training program that meets the needs of and strengthens local affiliates.)

Organizing Strategy (Develop strategies related to and monitor functions associated with ensuring the planning, implementation and regular assessment of an internal and external organizing program that meets the needs of local affiliates and supports their development.)

Other Standing Committees – Board Liaison & Alternate Liaison

Convention Planning (Responsible for planning OEA Representative Assemblies. Subcommittees of this Committee are responsible for examining the credentials of all delegates; recommending to the Assembly, for approval, the seating of all eligible delegates; conducting the elections of the Representative Assembly; proposing the Standing Rules of the Representative Assembly. The senior committee member from each District shall serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee(s) for the units in the respective District.)

Legislative (Shall screen, evaluate and recommend legislative proposals for the annual session of the Fall Representative Assembly and shall be responsible for the implementation of legislative priorities, goals and policies as adopted by the Representative Assembly.)

Resolutions (Shall develop the OEA resolutions and platform for recommendation to the Spring session of the Representative Assembly.  Resolutions proposed by members shall be reviewed by the Committee, which may reject them or refer them to the Representative Assembly for action.)

Other Board Liaison Role(s)
Typing your first and last name into this field constitutes your signature