OEA members, leaders rallying to protect public schools
Ohio Education Association members, leaders meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill as the Education Secretary Nominee testifies before Congress
[WASHINGTON, D.C. – February 12, 2025] Ahead of the confirmation hearing for U.S. Secretary of Education nominee Linda McMahon, Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro is joining other local educators, parents, and community leaders on Capitol Hill to advocate for Ohio students and their public schools. DiMauro will join hundreds of educators, parents, students, and members of Congress at a rally on Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 4:15 p.m. EST to lobby members of Congress and stand up for students by fighting against the effort to dismantle the Department of Education, pass universal vouchers and cut vital services Ohio students depend on in their public schools.The rally comes at a pivotal moment, as the Trump administration attempts to advance policies that would eliminate essential support and protections for students, increase class sizes, and divert funds away from hundreds of local public school districts across our state. DiMauro joins local advocates and others across the country in speaking out against Executive Orders that will strip resources from vulnerable students, including those with disabilities, and make higher education more expensive for future generations.
The following day, McMahon is scheduled to appear before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 10 a.m. EST, the first hurdle in the cabinet nomination process.
Students in every community across Ohio benefit from programs run by the Department of Education, especially lower-income students in rural, suburban, and urban communities; students who qualify for federal grants or loans to receive career training or attend 2- and 4-year colleges; and students with disabilities. In our Ohio communities, these proposed cuts would directly affect local schools, impacting funding, educational opportunities, and support systems for students who rely on vital services.
- More than 808,000 students in Ohio receive Title I funds from the Department of Education. Ohio public schools would lose around $700 million in vital funding to hire teachers and other school support staff.
- Losing federal dollars would further exacerbate the educator shortages plaguing Ohio public schools, causing students’ class sizes to balloon.
- Special education programs will suffer with the loss of more than $550 million that goes to Ohio students. Ohio educators and parents expect elected officials to prioritize our students’ futures and strengthen our public schools, so they remain a cornerstone of opportunity and equality.
The Trump administration’s early EOs have already undermined civil rights protections for students, eroded access to essential educational resources, and escalated threats to the foundation of public education. The rally comes ahead of the confirmation hearing for Linda McMahon, a nominee whose policies are seen by many as part of an extreme agenda to dismantle public education and attack students’ rights.
Only Congress has the power to abolish the Education Department, and the vast majority of Congress— including Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH 10), Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH 14), and 58 other House Republicans—rejected gutting public education last session, knowing it would only hurt students and is deeply unpopular with parents and educators.
To schedule an interview with Ohio educators in Washington this week or with other educators in different communities around Ohio, please contact Katie Olmsted at olmstedk@ohea.org or by calling or texting her at (614)560-6299. Photos from the rally Wednesday afternoon and district and statewide federal funding data are also available by request.
December-January 2025 Ohio Schools
In the Ohio Schools’ December/January issue, you’ll meet Twinsburg teacher Daneé Pinckney whose efforts to start an African American literature course for her students and empower them to be engaged citizens helped reignite her passion for teaching. As 2025 Ohio Teacher of the Year, Pinckney hopes to help other educators rediscover their passion while focusing on what they need to succeed for their students.
The issue celebrates the launch of OEA’s new website, 2024 Public Education Matters Day events, and the U.S. House of Representatives passage of the Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). Also included are updates on retirement systems and pending legislation, the importance of claiming your ethnic minority status, and OEA Awards and Scholarships.
Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchools — Past Issues
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February-March 2024 Ohio Schools

- Make 2024 a year of growth and strength (page 4)
- Springfield Local Schools staff join to advance awareness of diversity, equity, inclusion (page 5)
- Comic: A look at Teachers as the film marks its 40th anniversary (page 8)
- OEA, OAESP leaders continue commitment to ESP visibility, rights, and respect with launch of ESP web page (page 14)
- Meeting the needs of Ohio’s English Learners
- OEA members are advocating for the resources and supports their students need to succeed in the classroom and beyond (page 17)
- Support system
- OEA and its members are committed to advocacy that ensures mental health and wellness support for Ohio students and educators. (page 23)
- 2023 OEA Fall Representative Assembly delegates stand together to protect, promote, and strengthen public education (page 30)
Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchools — Past Issues
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December-January 2024 Ohio Schools
- COVER STORY: Making an Impact – Commitment and compassion are key to 2024 Ohio Teacher of the Year Mark Lowrie’s award-winning broadcast journalism program at Gahanna Lincoln High School.
- Digital Ohio Schools magazine to highlight educators’ voices
- Youngstown Education Association achieves union goals in new contract following strike
- Historic UAW strike a testament to the power of unions, collective bargaining, and organizing
- OEA celebrates Public Education Matters Day with educators at four rallies across the state
- Ashland and Kent State Aspiring Educators chapters offer members a successful start in the education profession
- 2023 Ohio Teacher of the Year Melissa Kmetz to receive NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence
- OEA-Retired members build community, grow in understanding of racial and social justice
- Why is it important for educators to support the Social Security Fairness Act to repeal GPO/WEP
Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchools — Past Issues
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October-November 2023 Ohio-Schools
- COVER STORY: Moving Forward – Marietta Educators emphasize value of public education through collaborative action and community building.
- Youngstown Education Association (YEA) strikes for contractual rights to give educators a voice in students’ learning conditions
- At the 2023 NEA RA, delegates pledge to defend freedom to learn, protect all students
- Unity, community support lead Southeastern Education Local District Teachers Association to reach tentative agreement
- Ohio Education Association, Summit County Executive unveil historical marker celebrating OEA’s local roots and legacy of public education advocacy
- Thousands of free books distributed to central Ohio students at OEA’s inaugural Summer Celebration of Diverse Readers event
- For OEA-Retired member, National Endowment for Humanities seminar on origins of civil rights movement offers a life-changing experience
- Wellington Schools embrace Kindland
- Leading Change – OEA members lead efforts to increase visibility, rights, and respect for Education Support Professionals
Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchools — Past Issues
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OEA, Summit County reveal new historical marker
“The Ohio Education Association is so proud of its 175 year history as the voice for Ohio’s public school educators and students, and OEA is grateful for this partnership with Summit County that allows us to share our history with the community as we continue to fight for the excellent public schools every child deserves now and into the future,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro, who took part in Thursday’s unveiling ceremony alongside former OEA presidents Becky Higgins and Patricia Frost-Brooks, as well as educators from around the region.
“The legacy of public education in Ohio lives in accomplishments of our students, who become inventors, actors, scientists, athletes, engineers, public servants, firefighters, astronauts, and, of course, teachers,” said Summit County Executive Chief of Staff Brian Nelsen, “Congratulations to OEA on celebrating 175 years serving our teachers and students and we are proud to recognize the start of your story right here in the heart of Summit County.”
The full text of the new Ohio Historical Marker erected in Summit County is as follows:
“On December 30, 1847, six educators met at the Summit County Courthouse to organize the first convention of the Ohio State Teachers’ Association, now known as the Ohio Education Association (OEA). The organizers Josiah Hurty (Richland County), Thomas W. Harvey (Geauga County), M.D. Leggett (Summit County), Lorin Andrews (Ashland County), William Bowen (Stark County), and Marcellus F. Cowdery (Lake County) hoped to “elevate the profession of teaching” and “to promote the interests of schools in Ohio.” In 1853, the General Assembly enacted the new association’s entire slate of proposals into law, thus ensuring free, universal, public education in Ohio. For 175 years, the Ohio Education Association has advocated for fair terms and conditions of employment for Ohio educators and for the betterment and improvement of public education for all students.”
Photos of the new historical marker and the ceremony unveiling it outside the Summit County Courthouse are available on the Ohio Education Association’s Facebook page.
OEA thanks Ohioans who defeated Issue 1
“This all started last November with a bad idea from some special interests and politicians in Columbus, but something great came out of it. More than 200 organizations brought together tens of thousands of volunteers and over a million voters to say NO WAY are we letting Issue 1 pass,” Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro said during a gathering with other member organizations in the One Person One Vote coalition Tuesday night. “You did it. We did it. Ohio did it. And now we will continue to stand together because we’re only getting started.”
The Ohio Education Association was proud to take an active and leading role in the One Person One Vote campaign to ensure that critical public education issues can continue to be addressed through the citizen-led constitutional amendment process when necessary to ensure every student can receive the great public education they deserve – no exceptions.
“As we experience continuing legislative attacks, ongoing battles to secure constitutional public-school funding, teacher recruitment and retention challenges, local school board takeovers, the expansion of unaccountable private school vouchers, and difficult learning and working conditions, OEA is fighting for the respect and dignity of its members, and for supports and resources for all public schools, because Public Education Matters,” DiMauro said. “With a united voice, we will continue to stand up to the attacks from extremist politicians and their well-funded out-of-state backers who are using fear to divide our communities based on race, place, and gender identities and are working to break the public’s trust in Ohio’s public schools. Issue 1 would have made our work much harder to do.”
“OEA applauds the tireless work of the educators across the state who did what they do best over the last few months: educating their friends and neighbors about Issue 1 so they could make an informed decision to defeat it at the ballot box,” DiMauro added.
ALL IN FOR OHIO KIDS: Expansion of Unaccountable Vouchers Undercuts Progress on School Funding
Ohio Organizing Collaborative Co-Executive Director Molly Shack, Policy Matters Ohio Executive Director Hannah Halbert, Ohio Federation of Teachers President Melissa Cropper, and Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro released the following joint statement:
“Ohio students deserve fully funded, high quality, local public schools that help them reach their fullest potential, and it is the responsibility of our state legislators to enact a system that achieves this.
Legislators in the Ohio House took this responsibility seriously by passing a budget that increases state funding to public schools by nearly $1 billion and continues Ohio’s progress toward a full phase in of the Fair School Funding Plan – a funding formula based on what it actually costs school districts to educate their students. They also ensured that the data being used in that funding formula is current and accounts for the additional costs of educating students with disabilities and students who are learning the English language.
It is a monumental step forward that the House’s school funding commitment will be enacted in this budget, despite attempts by the Senate majority to cut more than $500 million from our schools. After decades of non-compliance with Ohio Supreme Court rulings, the legislature is on the brink of finally meeting its constitutional responsibility to fairly fund Ohio’s public schools.
Despite these gains, we have serious concerns with the General Assembly’s expansion of unaccountable private school vouchers. The legislature’s new universal private school voucher scheme will ensure that state support for our public schools will be diminished to pay for tuition for private school students, no matter how wealthy their family is or how their school performs. Priority should be given to fully implementing the Fair School Funding Plan so that our public schools, where 90 percent of students attend school, receive the resources they need instead of expanding unaccountable private school vouchers. As educators, parents, students, and taxpayers we will be unwavering in reminding Ohio’s elected officials where their responsibility lies.
We are also deeply concerned by the inclusion of SB 1 in this budget. This radical policy change puts more power in the hands of an appointed partisan official while taking away the ability to make important decisions that impact schools in Ohio from non-partisan, elected State Board of Education members. Ultimately, the changes in SB1 will silence the voice of educators and voters when making rules and policies that impact education policy in Ohio. When education issues become divisive partisan battles, Ohio students suffer the consequences.”
All in for Ohio Kids represents a broad group of concerned organizations and individuals who are working together to fully and fairly fund our schools.
Ohio Education Association deeply troubled with the Senate’s anti-public education substitute version of House Bill 33
The Senate’s budget includes provisions that will have a negative impact for Ohio’s public schools when compared to the budget passed by the Ohio House—including a school funding plan that will shift responsibility of funding our schools to local communities, the lack of a comprehensive plan to address the educator staffing crisis and pay gap, universal expansion of vouchers, allowing a test score to dictate when a student is retained under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, eroding educator and community input on K-12 Education Governance, rolling back gains made in childhood nutrition, and issues related to licensure for educators.”
“We are also highly dismayed with the Senate’s inclusion of Senate Bill 83, the Higher Education “Destruction” Act. OEA is opposed to the addition of HB 83 into the Senate’s version of the budget as it represents the largest attack on collective bargaining rights since Senate Bill 5 in 2011. It will censor honest and truthful education in our institutions of higher learning.”
The following are OEA’s positions on some of the public policy proposals contained in the Senate’s amended substitute version of the bill:
- Schools Funding– OEA continues to support the Fair School Funding as passed by the Ohio House. While we are still analyzing the Senate school funding changes, OEA has serious concerns with the Senate’s adjustment to the methodology in calculating the state/local share formula.
- Voucher Expansion– OEA is opposed to the expansion of the EdChoice voucher program to universal eligibility for K-12 students. OEA recommends returning to current law with eligibility for income-based EdChoice vouchers at 250% of poverty. Expansion of vouchers should only be considered once the legislature has fully implemented the Fair School Funding Plan.
- Educator Staffing Issues– Reinstate the state minimum teacher salary from $30,000 to $40,000 and provisions from HB 9 that created a “Grow your Own Teacher Program” and Ohio Teacher Loan Repayment program.
- Mandatory Student Retention– OEA opposes removing language in the House-passed budget that would eliminate mandatory student retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. OEA firmly believes that high-stakes decisions about students should not be based on standardized test scores.
- School Meals– OEA opposes removing language in the House-passed budget to make school breakfast and lunch accessible to more children by having the state cover the cost between free and reduced-priced meals.
- Licensure– Reinstate teacher apprenticeship program leading to professional licensure, remove the provision allowing unlicensed military veterans to teach core subjects (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Fine Arts), and remove the modification of teacher licensure grade bands to preK-8 and 6-12 and maintain current licensure bands (preK-5, 4-9, and 7-12).
- Graduation Requirements– Social Studies and Financial Literacy- The substitute bill could reduce student exposure to social studies. OEA requests the removal of the provisions that permit a student to substitute one-half unit of financial literacy instruction for a one-half unit of social studies instruction to meet the financial literacy requirement for graduation.
- K12 Education Governance– OEA opposes the inclusion of Senate Bill 1 into the budget bill. The language in the bill would neuter the role of the State Board of Education by shifting the vast majority of its powers and duties to a cabinet agency. There is not broad consensus or buy-in among key educational stakeholders about this change.
- Higher Education– OEA opposes inclusion of SB 83 into the Senate’s version of the State Budget. SB 83 will only serve to drive students, faculty, and staff away from Ohio’s institutions of higher learning, while ultimately harming the economic future of our state. Additionally, SB 83 represents the single largest attack on collective bargaining rights in Ohio since Senate Bill 5 in 2011. OEA urges the Ohio General Assembly to remove all provisions of SB 83 from the budget.
Finally, OEA urges the Ohio House to vote against concurrence with the changes proposed by the Ohio Senate to HB 33. We call on members of the General Assembly to work across party lines to craft a final budget that supports the needs of public schools that serve 90 percent of Ohio’s students.
OEA to continue fighting for pension security in wake of STRS election
“The Ohio Education Association thanks Arthur Lard for his unwavering commitment to our pension security and the long-term health of the system for all active, retired and future teachers during his time on the STRS Board.
As the Board moves forward, it is more important than ever that every teacher in Ohio takes an active interest in the work of the STRS Board. STRS must make good on its promise to ensure that every teacher receives a guaranteed pension they can’t outlive, not just for active and retired teachers today but to make sure we can continue to bring excellent educators into the profession in the future to serve Ohio’s students. Risky investment schemes that undermine the future of the pension cannot be tolerated.
STRS faces difficult challenges in the years ahead, including market instability and growing inflation, and the work of the STRS Board will be critical if our pension system is to weather those storms. We wish Pat Davidson the best as he assumes his new responsibilities on the Board. We also look forward to working with all members of the STRS Board to ensure that all members, current and future, have a pension they can count on for the rest of their lives.”