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SHOWING RESULTS FOR: Assessments and diagnostics

When Anxiety Over Takes a Test

Guest Blog | My son is an excellent student who is high achiever…I do know that he verbally and physically showed signs of severe stress in the weeks up to taking the tests that spring. But what his teacher who

Computerized Testing — A Revolution That Wasn’t

Guest Blog By Kim Snyder, OEA/Wadsworth E.A. | “We have now lived through the Ohio Achievement Test (OAT), the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA), the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) — and now, the worst of

Silent Tears

By Tina Allen of the @ColumbusEA/OEA | I joined this profession to change lives, to educate, motivate and inspire. High-stakes testing almost took that away from me. The tears of a fourth grader reminded me what’s important.

Power and Potential of Our Stories

By Julie Holderbaum, MinervaEA/OEA | The lessons I teach now are not what I enjoy teaching and they are not what their kids enjoy learning and frankly, it makes me sick. And I’m Not Alone | #OvertestedOH #RedForEd

The School Report Card Sham

By Kevin Griffin of the @DublinEA, and the Central OEA Vice President | The state report cards have been around for several years. HB 70…. The real victims are our students.

OEA Locals Establishing Measurable Goals

The OEA Organizing Department has developed a Local Self-Assessment Tool that can aide your local in targeting crucial areas of growth.  Many locals have already begun to use this tool in order to assist them in strategic planning and goal

Is Revised RESA a Reason to Rejoice?

Part II of II: Teacher Perspectives on the Resident Educator Summative Assessment Read Part I: My Marathon Swim Through RESA by Dan Greenberg, Sylvania Education Association I’m getting to a place where I can look back nostalgically on twenty years

My Marathon Swim through RESA

Part I of II: Teacher Perspectives on the Resident Educator Summative Assessment Read Part II: Is Revised RESA a Reason to Rejoice? by Kate Gladieux, Spanish teacher of 5 years, Sylvania Education Association The why… Teaching sailing I got into

There’s still too much testing

Testing has long been misused to the point where it has lost any potential usefulness in the education of our nation’s children. Questions have been raised by parents and educators not only about the amount of testing that takes place,


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