April – May 2022 Ohio Schools
Prioritizing Student Health – When COVID-19 threatened those under his care, district school nurse David Pryer made sure Allen East students, teachers, and staff could return to school safely
Prioritizing Student Health – When COVID-19 threatened those under his care, district school nurse David Pryer made sure Allen East students, teachers, and staff could return to school safely
Ohio Education Association denounces House Bill 616, vows to continue fight to ensure students have freedom to learn and thrive
Guest Blog By Dan Heintz, Chardon LSD/OEA | Dan provided the following testimony to the Conference Committee on EdChoice Vouchers
Members of the Senate Education Committee, on behalf of the OEA’s 123,000 members, The draft bill under consideration makes a variety of proposals intended to address ongoing problems with the Ohio law (HB 70) authorizing state takeovers of local school
Ohio’s 612 public school districts are quite diverse. This summer, the legislature ripped off the band-aid and passed into law what they call a permanent solution. Ohio Excels, a group primarily consisting of business leaders, created a new concoction of
“Sadly, the legislature leaves the communities of Youngstown, Lorain and East Cleveland languishing under a failing law until they can figure out how to give districts struggling with high levels of poverty the support they need,” said OEA President Scott
State Representatives Joseph A. Miller III (D-Amherst) and Don Jones (R-Freeport) recently announced they will soon introduce bipartisan legislation to repeal portions of House Bill 70 — the state takeover bill.
Where was DeWine to rein in ECOT? DeWine was voting against funding programs that would have benefited Ohio’s public schools! We think a better bet for ensuring that every student and educator in Ohio has the resources and support they
The decision is a concerted attempt to weaken collective-bargaining rights by imposing right-to-work rules on public unions across the nation, including the Ohio Education Association’s more than 125,000 members.
Friday, May 11, Mark Hill of the Worthington Education Association, was elected Secretary-Treasurer of Ohio’s largest association of public employees, the Ohio Education Association (OEA). Hill will serve a three-year term beginning July 15, 2018.