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SHOWING RESULTS FOR: Education policy and governing bodies

April – May 2022 Ohio Schools

Prioritizing Student Health – When COVID-19 threatened those under his care, district school nurse David Pryer made sure Allen East students, teachers, and staff could return to school safely

Legislative Testimony on HB 70 — State Takeover Law

Members of the Senate Education Committee, on behalf of the OEA’s 123,000 members, The draft bill under consideration makes a variety of proposals intended to address ongoing problems with the Ohio law (HB 70) authorizing state takeovers of local school

A Seat at the Table or a Broken Promise?

Ohio’s 612 public school districts are quite diverse. This summer, the legislature ripped off the band-aid and passed into law what they call a permanent solution. Ohio Excels, a group primarily consisting of business leaders, created a new concoction of

OEA Views State Budget as Mixed Bag

“Sadly, the legislature leaves the communities of Youngstown, Lorain and East Cleveland languishing under a failing law until they can figure out how to give districts struggling with high levels of poverty the support they need,” said OEA President Scott


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