
We are the OEA

Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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April – May 2022 Ohio Schools

Prioritizing Student Health – When COVID-19 threatened those under his care, district school nurse David Pryer made sure Allen East students, teachers, and staff could return to school safely

President’s Message: Support, Protection, Power

Support, Protection, Power by OEA President Scott W. DiMauro | OEA is an incredible organization…we have caring, committed, qualified educators in all 88 of Ohio’s counties performing in a wide variety of roles who are united in a single cause.

OEA #RedForEd T-Shirts!

Order a custom OEA #RedForED t-shirt today. Only $15.00 | We’re calling on all Ohio educators and support professionals to wear red every Wednesday!

You Cannot Silence the Voice of Working People

Teaching children is pretty wonderful. This has been my passion and in the 19 years that I taught, I learned from and have been inspired by my colleagues. I have also been moved by the actions of fellow union members

Local Capacity

It takes all of us together to educate the child. And we all love what we do. We also know that whatever affects one is going to affect others, so we advocate and fight for our students and each other.

Perceptions and Procedures

Lessons from the 2017 NEA RA Anyone who reads social media related to the OEA/NEA can see that the perception of some of our colleagues is that OEA/NEA isn’t doing enough about certain issues, or worse, isn’t listening to members’


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