Benjamin Local Classified Employees Win Union Election
The Benjamin Local SD’s classified employees will join the district’s 115+ educators of the Benjamin Logan EA, who have been a part of OEA since 1974.
The Benjamin Local SD’s classified employees will join the district’s 115+ educators of the Benjamin Logan EA, who have been a part of OEA since 1974.
Together, we are continuing the fight for strong public schools by strengthening our locals and demonstrating value and relevance to our members.
The OEA Organizing Department has developed a Local Self-Assessment Tool that can aide your local in targeting crucial areas of growth. Many locals have already begun to use this tool in order to assist them in strategic planning and goal
In 2014, midway through the freeze, the administration presented MEA with a “white knight” solution known as alternative compensation developed with the guidance of Battelle for Kids, a non-profit organization intent on tying teacher employment and pay for performance based
A community power study can guide your local’s strategies and tactics during a campaign. This post examines how to make the most out of a power study and how to develop appropriate tactics to achieve your goals. It also develops
Your local would like to start a campaign to improve conditions at your workplace, and need to influence a school board leader to do so. But once goals and targets are set, your association’s members may disagree about the means
Whether you are negotiating for a new contract or lobbying for a new law, power mapping provides a tool in which an organization can identify community stakeholders and develop a plan to influence them. Participants in a community power mapping