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Legislative Watch – September 12, 2024

This is our chance to end GPO-WEP

For far too long, federal law has punished public servants like Ohio’s educators by reducing our earned Social Security benefits when we collect a public pension. The Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) have got to go! OEA members and educators around the country have been working for decades to get these unfair provisions repealed. 

The sponsors of H.R. 82, legislation that would fully repeal GPO-WEP, have filed a petition that U.S. Representatives can sign to force a floor vote after all these years. But we need your help to get at least 218 members of Congress to sign the petition. 

Click here to take action today and urge your member of Congress to sign the petition

This is important and time sensitive. Please take action today! 

For more information on our campaign to repeal GPO-WEP and why it is important that your U.S. Representative support H.R. 82 and sign the petition, please click here to view a short video.

For an archive of past Legislative Watch releases, visit the Legislative Watch archive.