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Ohio Education Association Awards Steubenville Teacher

COLUMBUS — May 13, 2013 —  Each year the Ohio Education Association honors the hard work and commitment teachers have for the success of their students.   With the announcement of its 2013 prize winners, the Ohio Education Association once again celebrated the hard work, commitment, and success of public education employees and students.

At the 2013 OEA Awards Banquet held Friday, Amanda Wallace of the Steubenville Education Association received the $4,000 John F. Kennedy Scholarship.  The John F. Kennedy Scholarship is awarded annually for graduate university course work to an OEA member who is an active career teacher and has demonstrated a need for financial assistance.

OEA President Patricia Frost-Brooks said, “I’m sure I speak on behalf of the 121,000 members of the OEA when I say congratulations and job well done on this well-deserved recognition to Amanda. We educators know that while achievement presents great challenges in public education there are many instances where these challenges are being met head on and being overcome!  We know our teachers are deeply committed to the success of every child.”



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The Ohio Education Association (ohea.org) represents 121,000 teachers, faculty members and support professionals in Ohio’s public schools, colleges and universities.


CONTACT: Michele Prater
614-227-3071; cell 614-378-0469, praterm@ohea.org


2013 Press Releases