Youngstown Summit Academy Staff Vote To Join OEA

COLUMBUS – July 16, 2015 – Nearly 73 teachers and staff at the three Summit Academy Schools in Youngstown, Ohio, have voted in favor of unionization in ballots that were counted today. They learned that a number of ballots have been challenged, but those challenges are non-determinative. The vote will be certified today.

This will be the first union at an Ohio charter school, which focuses on the special needs of an often underserved community of students. It will be affiliated with the 121,000 members of the Ohio Education Association (OEA).

The decision of educators and staff to seek representation was inspired by the core values of Summit Academy, namely – caring, innovation, passion and professionalism

“As advocates for their students and community, the aspiring Summit Academy members will press for professional respect, greater rights as student advocates, a career path, and greater management transparency” state Eric Ensley, a teacher at Summit Academy Secondary School and Kylie Luca, a teacher at Summit Academy Youngstown.

“All educators, whether they work in a charter or local public school, are committed to the success of their students,” said Becky Higgins, President of the OEA. “We look forward to welcoming the educators and staff at the Summit Academy into our union, and working with them to carry on our tradition of improving education and the lives of Ohio’s students.”

Summit Academy educators and staff look forward to a mutually respectful and cooperative relationship with Summit Academy administration as they work towards a first union contract.


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The Ohio Education Association ( represents 121,000 teachers, faculty members and support professionals in Ohio’s public schools, colleges and universities.


CONTACT: Michele Prater
614-227-3071; cell 614-378-0469,


2015 Press Releases