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ACTION ALERT Urge your State Representative to Oppose SB 83

ACTION ALERTAsk Your State Senator to Support HCR 6: Urging Congress to Repeal GPO and WEP

ACTION ALERTTake Action to stop Teacher License Fee Increase

Email your legislator to either urge their continued support of or to co-sponsor the Social Security Fairness act to fully repeal both GPO and WEP.


OEA Wellness Resources

Resources from NEA 
Student and Educator Mental Health
Responding to Gun Violence
Context for Teaching Students with Autism

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Ohio Schools Magazine digital editions



  • July 2, 2024 – Senate Bill 83 Stalls Out Before Legislative Recess; Take Action to Stop Teacher License Fee Increase; House Bill 214 – Professional Conduct Policies; Senate Bill 104 – Transgender Bathroom Restrictions Amended into CCP Bill; Senate Bill 168 – Various Education Regulation Provisions
  • May 29, 2024 – OEA Testifies in Support of Voucher Accountability; GPO-WEP UPDATE: Sign Up to Attend Field Hearing on Social Security Fairness Act; Federal Nutrition (SNAP) Funding At Risk
  • May 20, 2024 – Senator Sherrod Brown Announces Columbus hearing on GPO-WEP Repeal
  • April 11, 2024 – U.S. House Committee Schedules Hearing on GPO/WEP; Ohio Senate Joins House Urging Repeal
  • April 4, 2024 – OEA Recommends Sandy Smith Fischer for STRS Board; OEA Continues to Advocate for Member Retirement Security
  • March 14, 2024 – Reminder: 2024 Primary Election is Next Week; OEA Testifies on Fully Funding the State Board of Education; OEA Testifies on GPO-WEP Repeal Resolution
  • February 20, 2024 – REMINDER: Voter Registration Deadline and Early Voting Dates for March 19, 2024, Primary Election; OEA Issues First Round of Candidate Recommendations for the 2024 Election; Call to Action: Urge your Legislators to Fully Fund the State Board, don’t increase educator licensure fees; Voucher Accountability Bill Introduced; Anti-Lunch Shaming Bill Introduced in Ohio House; New Bill will Accomplish OEA Goal of $50k State Minimum Starting Teacher Salary
  • Legislative Watch archive
  • Legislative Scorecard – An interactive Legislative scorecard for each member of the Ohio General Assembly



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Updated June 24, 2024

