Audience: Education Support Professional

Image: OEA Affliate Grants Program
Affiliate Grants Program

The OEA Affiliate Grants Program was created to strengthen the Association at the local, state, and/or national level. The application must be postmarked or received at OEA Headquarters by midnight, January 31.

OEA Friend of Education Award

The OEA Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. Past recipients include a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representatives, and a corporation.

OEA Media Award for Public Service

The OEA Media Award for Public Service Award recognizes an individual and/or organization for a major contribution to the better understanding of the problems, progress, and needs of public education, or for programming of an outstanding educational nature.

OEA Peace and International Understanding Award

The OEA Peace and International Understanding Award is presented to a district or local affiliate for outstanding contributions to the promotion or execution of the cause of peace and international understanding.

Commission on Student Success Report

OEA and its members have been clear in pointing out problems with the current “test-label-punish” culture and have lobbied against misguided and harmful policies on testing, teacher evaluation and school accountability. The recommendations contained in this report lay out a positive vision for a coordinated system of student assessment, educator quality, and school accountability designed to set students up for success. On behalf of the 123,000 OEA members who go to work every day in service to Ohio’s students, the Commission on Student Success offers in this report a model for reinvigorating a love of learning in our classrooms and changing Ohio’s public education system into one that upholds creativity over standardization.

ESP Education Support Professional (ESP) Award

The OEA Education Support Professional Award further emphasizes the contributions of education support professionals to their schools, communities, and all education workers. The recipient of the OEA ESP Award qualifies as the OEA’s nominee for the NEA ESP Award. OEA Education Support Professional members are actively involved in the Association, in bargaining, political action, community organizing, and school restructuring efforts, as partners with their education colleagues.

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