Audience: Higher Education staff

OEA lays out bold vision for 135th General Assembly

Ohio Education Association lays out bold vision for 135th General Assembly (OEA) and calls on state leaders to prioritize supporting Ohio’s educators and public school students.

All in for Ohio Kids responds to Gov. DeWine’s proposed budget

Public Education Supporters Respond to Governor DeWine’s Proposed Biennial Budget

Consider a Career in Education

Ohio’s educators change lives every day. Whether working as teachers or in the support roles that make our schools run smoothly and allow our children to thrive, educators of all races, backgrounds, and genders enjoy rewarding careers serving Ohio’s 1.7 million public school students. Ohio’s students need you. Learn more about the education profession and what it takes to get started.

Student Debt Relief

On January 10, 2023 the Department of Education released a proposed regulation that delivers on the plan President Biden announced in August to provide millions of borrowers with more affordable monthly student loan payments

OEA reflects on final days of Lame Duck

Ohio Education Association reflects on the final days of Lame Duck, looks forward to working with lawmakers to support public education and educators in new session

Ohio Teacher of the Year Melissa Kmetz
December – January 2023 Ohio Schools

Power to Change the World: 2023 Ohio Teacher of the Year Melissa Kmetz says the most important lesson she can teach students is to know their power

Subscribe to OEA’s digital Ohio Schools magazine today

Stay informed, inspired, and connect—while going green! Subscribe to OEA’s digital Ohio Schools magazine today.

October – November 2022 Ohio Schools

In the 2022 election, support pro-public education candidates who will honor our work and partner with us to build a better future for Ohio’s students and public schools

EEL Program Resources

This content is for OEA members only.

Social Links

ACTION ALERT – Urge your State Representative to Oppose SB 83 ACTION ALERT – Ask Your State Senator to Support HCR 6: Urging Congress to Repeal GPO and WEP ACTION ALERT – Take Action to stop Teacher License Fee Increase …

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