Audience: Local leader

Community Outreach

Why Participate in a Community Outreach Program? Your local association is a vital part of any community. Whether you live in a rural area, a small community or a large city, people are interested in the activities of people who …

Local Chapter Development: Ten steps for organizing

Step One: Form a Steering Committee What is a Steering Committee A Steering Committee is a small group of people who share common interest and goals Whom can I contact? Friends, classmates, roommates, club members, people in your dorm. How …

Student Local Affiliate Guidelines

Student local “guidelines” should be adhered to as closely as possible. Each student local should: Consist of no fewer than ten (10) members. Have a constitution consistent with the constitution of OEA. At least have a local president and officers, …

Seven Steps to an Effective Chapter Web Site

Attracting and retaining Student Program members is crucial to NEA’s mission for advancing the education profession. NEA members who join as college students are more likely to remain active, committed members throughout their careers. Today’s college students are technology savvy …

Student Program Handbook for Local Leaders

Congratulations You have chosen to take charge of your profession by becoming an active leader in your local NEA Student Program chapter. The NEA Student Program (NEA-SP) is the largest and most influential student group for future educators. It was …

Bargaining ESSA

This content is for OEA members only.

OEA Secretary-Treasurer’s Fiscal Fitness Award

The OEA Secretary-Treasurer’s Fiscal Fitness Award recognizes Local Associations excelling in the implementation of financial best practices.

Image: OEA Affliate Grants Program
Affiliate Grants Program

The OEA Affiliate Grants Program was created to strengthen the Association at the local, state, and/or national level. The application must be postmarked or received at OEA Headquarters by midnight, January 31.

OEA Friend of Education Award

The OEA Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. Past recipients include a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representatives, and a corporation.

OEA Blue Ribbon Association Award

The OEA Blue Ribbon Association Award recognizes a local affiliate of the Ohio Education Association for its demonstration of innovative work related to OEAs four strategic priorities. Recipients also receive a $1,000 monetary award.

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