Audience: OEA member

Image: Computerized Testing
Computerized Testing — A Revolution That Wasn’t

Guest Blog By Kim Snyder, OEA/Wadsworth E.A. | “We have now lived through the Ohio Achievement Test (OAT), the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA), the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) — and now, the worst of them all — the AIR tests.Imagine what we could do with at least a month added back to our teaching plans.”

Image: April/May 2019 Ohio Schools Magazine
April 2019 Ohio Schools Magazine

Strengthening Students: Central Ohio educators lead students in the practice of mindfulness and yoga

Imge: Open microphone at public meeting.
Why I Ran for Office

Guest Blog | By Molly Wassmuth, Westerville E.A. | The 2016 presidential election…it did not turn out the way I had hoped or worked for, despite the fact that I donated, canvassed and phone-banked. Did I do enough?

Ohio House Bill 70 Hijacked Democracy

Guest Blog | By Jeanne Melvin, OEA-Retired | A state takeover is part of the effort to privatize public education. Without a public hearing, the hijacked HB 70 passed the Senate and the House and was sent to the governor and signed into law. #OverTestedOH #RedForEd

OEA VP Scott DiMauro: Graduation Requirements & State Takeover

It is simply unfair and unreasonable to expect that students who are already half way through their high school careers should be expected to meet a whole new set of requirements for graduation.

Oho Schools Magazine Cover — Feb. 2019
February 2019 Ohio Schools Magazine

Driving Literacy, Princeton A.C.E. Find Success With Mobile Book Center

Image: #RedForEd | #OverTestedOH
Silent Tears

By Tina Allen of the @ColumbusEA/OEA | I joined this profession to change lives, to educate, motivate and inspire. High-stakes testing almost took that away from me. The tears of a fourth grader reminded me what’s important.

Image: Side Hustle Paycheck
Moonlighting Educators

By Ty Tatman (Zane Trace EA) OEA Director | The average educator’s salary is below the living wage in more than half of America. As the burdens of the education profession grow larger and larger, it’s not fair to see educators having to work even more outside the classroom!

Image: Report Card
The School Report Card Sham

By Kevin Griffin of the @DublinEA, and the Central OEA Vice President | The state report cards have been around for several years. HB 70…. The real victims are our students.

Blog: The Antidote to Despair

By Julie Rine is an English Instructor and an Academic Challenge Advisor at Minerva High School, Minerva, Ohio.

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