Audience: preK-12 Teacher

If A Member Is Assaulted

If a member is the victim of an assault while on school property, the following procedures are recommended: Write down as soon as possible after the assault incident all particulars of the situation, including names, witnesses, date, time(s), location, and …

Educator Standards Board

The Educator Standards Board is responsible for: Creating teacher and principal standards, and professional development standards Creating standards for license renewal Collaborating with colleges and universities to align teacher prep programs with standards Defining master teachers Monitoring compliance with teacher …

ESSA Fact Sheet

For 14 long years, students and educators have lived under the deeply flawed No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) returns decision making for our nation’s education back where it belongs — in the hands of local educators, parents, and communities — while keeping the focus on students most in need.

Master Teacher Program

The Master Teacher Program was developed by the Ohio Educator Standards Board (ESB) in response to Senate Bill 2 which created the ESB and mandated that they create a definition for “master teacher” and the criteria being designated a master …

Licensure and Renewal Information

Ohio offers several different types of licenses for educators including a Resident Educator 4-year License, a 5-year Professional License and Substitute License. Information regarding Teacher Licensure and Certification in Ohio can be found by accessing the Ohio Department of Education …

Ohio Resident Educator Program

The Ohio Resident Educator Program began in 2011 and has evolved to a comprehensive, multi-year induction program. Successful completion of the program and the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA) results in professional licensure. Full information regarding the Ohio Resident Educator …

How to Get Free Classroom Supplies

Rather than reaching deeper into your own pockets, Tamar Snyder at Edutopia suggests following these tips for getting free supplies: Don’t Buy What’s Free Look into these strategies for obtaining free materials: Recycling. Jennifer Volpe, a speech pathologist at Cobble …

NEA Foundation Grants

The NEA Foundation is a public charity founded by educators for educators to improve public education for all students. Throughout the year, the NEA Foundation awards over 150 grants to support educators’ efforts to close the achievement gaps, develop creative …

OEA Friend of Education Award

The OEA Friend of Education Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level. Past recipients include a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representatives, and a corporation.

OEA John F. Kennedy Scholarship

The $4,000 OEA John F. Kennedy Scholarship is presented each year to an OEA member who is a career teacher enrolled in a graduate-level program and in need of financial assistance.

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