Audience: Student member

Your Career ABCs: Demystifying Acronyms and Abbreviations

Click here for a printable PDF. Acronyms- EMIS Educational Management Information System eTPES Electronic Teacher Principal Evaluation System HQT Highly Qualified Teacher HET Highly Effective Teacher MRM Multivariate Response Model OAA Ohio Achievement Assessments OPES Ohio Principal Evaluation System OTES …

December 2016 Ohio Schools

Supporting our Students and our communities – Ohio educators work together to improve student health and achievement, celebrate diversity, and build professional connections

Local Chapter Development: Ten steps for organizing

Step One: Form a Steering Committee What is a Steering Committee A Steering Committee is a small group of people who share common interest and goals Whom can I contact? Friends, classmates, roommates, club members, people in your dorm. How …

Student Local Affiliate Guidelines

Student local “guidelines” should be adhered to as closely as possible. Each student local should: Consist of no fewer than ten (10) members. Have a constitution consistent with the constitution of OEA. At least have a local president and officers, …

Seven Steps to an Effective Chapter Web Site

Attracting and retaining Student Program members is crucial to NEA’s mission for advancing the education profession. NEA members who join as college students are more likely to remain active, committed members throughout their careers. Today’s college students are technology savvy …

Student Program Handbook for Local Leaders

Congratulations You have chosen to take charge of your profession by becoming an active leader in your local NEA Student Program chapter. The NEA Student Program (NEA-SP) is the largest and most influential student group for future educators. It was …

Inter-Generational Mentoring

The Inter-generational Mentoring Program is a collaborative project between OEA-R and the OSEA with support from OEA and NEA. The program pairs retirees with students working toward a degree in education. The Inter-generational Mentoring Program is designed to help student …

New Teacher Resources

Here are a few helpful websites and other valuable resources for new teachers. NEA website The website of NEA, OEA’s parent organization, is full of professional resources for beginning and veteran educators. Works4Me Whether you’re looking for strategies to keep …

Commonsense Pointers for Avoiding False Allegations

Whenever possible, never be alone with a student. That’s because a student’s allegations made when there are no other witnesses hinge on credibility, and authorities often tend to favor the alleged victim in these circumstances. So don’t be alone with …

If A Member Is Assaulted

If a member is the victim of an assault while on school property, the following procedures are recommended: Write down as soon as possible after the assault incident all particulars of the situation, including names, witnesses, date, time(s), location, and …

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