Category: General

Creating Future Leaders with “Project Lead The Way”

Last month, a small group of students from our middle school had the privilege of attending the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) National Innovation Summit in Washington, D.C. Ten years ago, PLTW was designed to promote learning in the areas …

This is the calm before the storm

Post-election season commentaries in the media made much mention of a Republican “storm” or “hurricane” in Ohio as well as on the federal level. But this was not the storm; nor was it the hurricane. My friends, the perfect storm …

Danger: Educated Union Member

As a high school social studies teacher, I walk the line with my senior students each year. It’s tough. The year-long course I teach is required by my district, and it’s all about Government. Every year, I am met with …

School Levies: Imperfect But Necessary

There is a lot at stake in the upcoming elections on November 2. Many Ohio school districts brace for more budget cuts if their levies fail at the polls. You might wonder: Why do school districts rely on property taxes …

In This Case, Change is Not Necessary

Do you know who will receive your vote on November 2nd? Do you know the issues? Do you believe that things need to change? Before you head to the polls, it is important to know that changing governors at this …

An Open Letter To America From A Teacher

Dear America: The release of a recent movie about education has inspired me to write you a letter. First, know that I am a teacher, like my paternal grandfather and great-grandfather were before me. Education is imprinted in my genes. …

Studies Look at Graduation Rates

Two recently published reports, Graduation by the Numbers: Putting Data to Work for Student Success, Diplomas Count, 2010 Edition, and Yes We Can: The Schott 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males, 2010, should be read by everyone …

Value Added in California

Recently, the LA Times ran a series of reports on the Los Angeles Unified School District and how effective its third through fifth grade teachers have been in improving students test scores over a period of 7 years, from 2002-03 …

Seek the Truth

As a former elected official of my local city government, I can tell you that there is nothing more important than voting in the upcoming elections. We are all at the mercy of our politicians who, more often than not, …

I can make a difference; my job depends on it.

I’ve been actively involved in my union now for almost a decade. My colleagues often ask me why. The response I give them is simple. “As teachers, we are always the first to be asked for help by others,” I …

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