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NEA National Leadership Summit

image: 2025 NEA Leadership Summit graphicThe 2024 NEA Leadership Summit will be held March 7-9, 2025

Preparations are in full swing for the NEA Leadership Summit being held March 7-9, 2025.  At this time, the NEA is planning for an in-person experience for the 2025 Leadership Summit to be held at the Huntington Place Convention Center, Detroit, MI. The summit will further develop Activist leaders and prepare them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to lead relevant, thriving associations and to lead in their professions. The theme for the 2025 Summit is Promote. Protect. Strengthen. Public Education: The Foundation of Our Democracy!

A member application link will be available soon to be considered for an NEA funded spot, or funding from OEA to attend the NEA National Leadership Summit. Members should only apply if they are able to attend all days of the Summit in-person. .

For additional information about the NEA National Leadership Summit, please visit: www.nea.org/leadershipsummit