Declaration of Candidacy
Representative from Ohio
This form must be submitted by 9:45 AM on June 15, 2024. A description of the NEA Resolutions Committee Member duties follows the form for your convenience.
The declaration of candidacy form must be completed by delegates interested in running for the NEA Resolutions Committee, which meets several times per year by virtual meeting or at the NEA headquarters in Washington, DC. Please note the following:
- Interested delegates must submit the form, complete with biographical sketch and platform statement, to OEA Secretary-Treasurer Mark Hill no later than 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, June 15, 2024.
- If the number of members who submit forms is greater than the number of Resolutions Committee positions, the order of names on the ballot and the candidate speaking order shall be determined by the candidate, or his/her designee, by a drawing of lots at the conclusion of the first delegate caucus on June 15, 2024.
- Each candidate shall be allotted two minutes to address the Delegation at the caucus on June 24.
- The election shall be by secret ballot at the caucus session on June 24.
- NEA Resolutions Committee members (the number of which to be designated by NEA) shall be determined by the number of votes received in order of first to last candidate. The alternate members shall be determined on the same ballot by the same method. The NEA recommendation concerning Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) representation shall be observed.
NEA Resolutions Committee Member Duties
NEA Resolutions Committee members are elected by the Ohio NEA Caucus delegates to serve as state representatives at the NEA level.
Resolutions Committee members are elected to formulate formal expressions of opinion, intent, belief, or position of the Association. They set forth general concepts in clear, concise language which shall be broad in nature, state the positions of the Association positively and without ambiguity, and be consistent with the goals of the Association as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution of the NEA.
The duties of the Resolutions Committee members are as follows:
- To attend the winter and Representative Assembly meetings of the NEA Resolutions Committee.
- To serve on the state Resolutions Committee.
- To bring proposed language forward from the state Resolutions Committee and/or Association member(s) to the NEA Resolutions Committee.
- To attend the NEA Open Hearing on Resolutions.
- May be expected to represent Ohio’s interests at an NEA conference, including the Resolutions Open Hearing.
- To report to the state caucus on the actions of the NEA Resolutions Committee.
- To participate in a leadership role at the state caucus and during the Representative Assembly debate on NEA Resolutions.
- May be expected to represent the Resolutions Committee on Ohio’s NEA Screening Committee or NEA Steering Committee.
- To attend OEA/NEA Relations Committee meetings held in June.
- May be expected to serve on at least one subcommittee of the NEA Resolutions Committee.
Ohio Resolutions Committee members shall promote and support all facets of the agenda of the state Association.