OASNP Delegate Caucus
At the End of the OEA RA – Cardinal Room
Watch announcements if location changes.
OASNP members and delegates involved in special education are invited.

OASNP Special Education Conference
Save the Date – February 24-25
Mohican State Park Lodge and Conference Center

Image: horizontal lineThe Ohio Association of Special Needs Professionals (OASNP) is a Department of OEA focused on the needs of OEA members serving children and adults with special needs.

A Special Education Conference is put on by OASNP each year at the end of February.

  • The theme for this year is “Celebrate Back Together for a New Era,” and will explore what works in our new era and resources available for addressing equity for students.
  • Also included: Legal and Legislative Updates.
  • There will be a Networking Happy Hour Friday evening February 25
  • The conference will include the OASNP Annual Meeting.
  • Check our OASNP website for information about past conferences.
  • Add your name to our mailing list for conference information when it becomes available. Use Contact Us to update contact information or be added to the mailing list. New contacts will be entered into a $10 Gift Card Drawing.

OEA Special Education Members – Join OASNP!

Your Membership Application will be forwarded to your local Association Treasurer so your $10 OASNP dues can be added to your OEA dues for next year.
We will add you to our membership list immediately.

What is OASNP? – Why Join?

  • OASNP is a department of OEA devoted specifically to advocating for the needs of members working with students and adults with special needs. OASNP monitors bargaining and professional issues and communicates concerns and suggestions to the various departments and committees within OEA.
  • Along with OEA Districts and the other sub-divisions and caucuses of OEA, OASNP appoints a member to each of the OEA Standing Committees and advocates for the unique needs of its constituency.
    • OASNP representatives on OEA Committees will make sure that issues of concern are addressed.
  • Your $10 annual OASNP membership dues supports those efforts by funding our annual Special Education Conference, presence at the OEA Summer Leadership Academy, newsletters, website, regional meetings, subcommittee structure, and supports the efforts of OASNP leadership to represent your interests to OEA leadership.

OASNP Officers and Executive Board – 2022-2024

Chairperson Christina West PCEMR-SSA (Portage CBDD)
Vice-Chairperson Nikki Nadasky PCEMR-SSA (Portage CBDD)
Treasurer Sandy Smith Fischer Streetsboro EA
Secretary Kathy Abrahamson Newton Falls ACE
At-Large Representative #1 Marchell Josie East Cleveland EA
At-Large Representative #2 Debbie VanGorder Ashtabula ASCE
At-Large Representative #3 Kendall Newell West Carrollton EA
At-Large Representative #4 Jovita Wade Fairborn EA
At-Large Representative #5 Cindy Negulescu Reynoldsburg SSA
At-Large Representative #6 Leslie Frank Weaver Wksh Sup Assn – Retired (Summit CBDD)
Past Chairperson Jené Wilson ACCESS-Retired (Cuyahoga CBDD)
Business Manager Hank Haynes ACCESS-Retired (Cuyahoga CBDD)