Topic: Teacher evaluation

October – November 2022 Ohio Schools

In the 2022 election, support pro-public education candidates who will honor our work and partner with us to build a better future for Ohio’s students and public schools

OEA calls for end of mandatory retention under Third Grade Reading Guarantee

The Ohio Education Association (OEA) joined together Monday with state leaders, educators, and education policy experts to advocate for action in the General Assembly to end mandatory retention tied to third-grade standardized testing.

OEA members offer solutions to state’s growing teacher recruitment and retention crisis

As Ohio continues to contend with an alarming decrease in staffing in its K-12 public schools, educators from around Ohio have come together to take on the problem and offer potential solutions.

OEA celebrates advocacy wins in new state report card system

As families and education stakeholders around the state continue to examine the newly released state report card data, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) is celebrating the hard work of Ohio’s dedicated educators to support the state’s students as they continue to overcome the challenges of pandemic-era learning. Further, OEA expresses its sincere gratitude to the lawmakers who answered OEA’s calls for report card reform, resulting in the fairer assessments that were made public today.

Image: #RedForEd | #OverTestedOH
Silent Tears

By Tina Allen of the @ColumbusEA/OEA | I joined this profession to change lives, to educate, motivate and inspire. High-stakes testing almost took that away from me. The tears of a fourth grader reminded me what’s important.

Image: Report Card
The School Report Card Sham

By Kevin Griffin of the @DublinEA, and the Central OEA Vice President | The state report cards have been around for several years. HB 70…. The real victims are our students.

Is Revised RESA a Reason to Rejoice?

Part II of II: Teacher Perspectives on the Resident Educator Summative Assessment Read Part I: My Marathon Swim Through RESA by Dan Greenberg, Sylvania Education Association I’m getting to a place where I can look back nostalgically on twenty years …

My Marathon Swim through RESA

Part I of II: Teacher Perspectives on the Resident Educator Summative Assessment Read Part II: Is Revised RESA a Reason to Rejoice? by Kate Gladieux, Spanish teacher of 5 years, Sylvania Education Association The why… Teaching sailing I got into …

Bargaining Salary

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining ESSA

This content is for OEA members only.

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