OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro: Pledge to be an Education Voter
October 1, 2019 | VBlog By OEA President Scott DiMauro
Pledge to be an Education Voter
Dear Colleagues,
Please take a few minutes to view my latest weekly update on things happening in and around OEA.
This week’s message includes reflections on a fascinating new Ohio State University study on student learning, early opportunities to support pro-public education candidates from both parties in 2020 (including as convention delegates), and a reminder on OEA-RA delegate election deadlines.
Please click on this link (https://educationvotes.nea.org/presidential-2020/2020pledge/) to pledge to be an education voter and then share with your fellow members.
I welcome your feedback. Please contact me if you have questions, would like an officer to visit your local, or have anything to share.
Have a good week!
Scott DiMauro
Ohio Education Association
Related Reading
- 09.28.2019 | Columbus Dispatch: Kids in poor schools show same academic growth as others, Ohio State study finds| “It confirms the fact that we’ve got a lot of really good teachers who are doing really good in our high-poverty schools,” said Scott DiMauro.