OEA Educational Foundation Grants — Apply Today
The Foundation Board is very excited to offer OEA members this opportunity to enhance the learning in their classrooms and school buildings through the OEA Educational Foundation grants program.
This cycle, four different types of grants are being offered: Diversity Grant, Whisper Fund Grant, Innovation Grant and matching grants for partnering with Make-A-Wish through the Adopt-A-Wish program.
Grant applications may be submitted online through the OEA website or printed and mailed to the OEA HQ (225 East Broad Street, Columbus, 43215 – Attn: OEA Foundation).
The submission deadline for the Diversity Grant and Innovation Grant is February 10, so please take advantage of this opportunity to do different, innovative and powerful work with your students. Whisper Fund Grant applications are reviewed each month for approval and distribution of funds.
Visit the OEA Educational Foundation page to complete your grant application today!