OEA Pres. DiMauro: Your Feedback on State Report Cards Needed
This week, I have an important ask for feedback to help guide us in our efforts to design a plan for a better state report card system. I also have information to share regarding the 21 days we have left before the 2019 election as well as updates on how we’re preparing for 2020.
OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro: Local Presidents’ Handbook and Important Member Surveys
I’m excited to congratulate an OEA member who has been named the 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year, summarize the work of members who came to Columbus last week as part of our All Committee Weekend, and provide a heads-up to all of you on a couple of important surveys we’re conducting with members.
OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro: Pledge to be an Education Voter
October 1, 2019 | VBlog By OEA President Scott DiMauro: Reflections on a new Ohio State University study on student learning, early opportunities to support pro-public education candidates from both parties in 2020 (including as convention delegates), pledging to be an Education Voter 20 2020, and a reminder on OEA-RA delegate election deadlines.
Weekly Message from OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro
September 24, 2019 | VBlog By OEA President Scott DiMauro: This week’s message includes an explanation for why I’m in DC, a shout-out to our hard-working NEA Directors, takeaways from last weekend’s OEA Board meeting, including relevant issues our committees will be working on this year, and a few time-sensitive reminders for local leaders.
OEA President’s Message: Time For New State Report Cards
September 17, 2019 | This week’s video includes thoughts on the state report cards that came out last week, appreciation to our members and staff who attended last weekend’s NEA Educator Voice Academy in Atlanta, important membership and delegate election reminders, and an expression of solidarity for our striking UAW brothers and sisters.
Weekly Message from OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro
September 10, 2019 | VBlog By OEA President Scott DiMauro – input from UniServ Leadership Council meetings, a reminder on New Educator Cards, reflections on Ohio’s latest “Quality Counts” ranking and ongoing efforts to fix school funding, the latest news on legislation to repeal the state takeover law, important information on the need for all locals to conduct delegate elections, and a shout-out to a very special member at the Ohio School for the Blind.
A Seat at the Table or a Broken Promise?
Ohio’s 612 public school districts are quite diverse. This summer, the legislature ripped off the band-aid and passed into law what they call a permanent solution. Ohio Excels, a group primarily consisting of business leaders, created a new concoction of graduation requirements and the Ohio legislature gobbled it up.
VBlog | The Value of Membership
OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro: “Many thanks to each of you for your efforts in ensuring we have a successful start to the 2019-20 school year…at this exciting time of new beginnings, I wish you the very best for a great year. Thank you for all you do for our fellow educators and the students we serve!”
President’s Message: Support, Protection, Power
Support, Protection, Power by OEA President Scott W. DiMauro | OEA is an incredible organization…we have caring, committed, qualified educators in all 88 of Ohio’s counties performing in a wide variety of roles who are united in a single cause.
Dear So-called Average Teacher
Guest Blog By Julie Holderbaum, Minerva EA/OEA | Now that summer is here and you have time to breathe and reflect on the school year that just ended, maybe you’re feeling that your year was just, well, average. We don’t always see, in immediate hindsight, the seeds that we have planted and the impact that we have had…