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Careers in Higher Education

Use the links below to find open opportunities at High Education institutions. Columbus State Community College Edison State Community College Hocking Technical College Lakeland Community College Northwest State Community Shawnee State University Southern State University Youngstown State University K-12 Teaching …

image: Columbus Blue Jackets
Celebrate Educators with the Columbus Blue Jackets!

The Columbus Blue Jackets are excited to extend to educators, their family, and friends another opportunity to join us again to catch some CBJ Hockey

image: Education Professional Connect logo
EdPro Connect

Ohio Education Association’s Education Professional Connection (EdPro Connect) provides background and resources on the most current topics in public education. Each EdPro Connect entry features insights from OEA professionals as well as links to additional resources

Social Links

ACTION ALERT – Urge your State Representative to Oppose SB 83 ACTION ALERT – Ask Your State Senator to Support HCR 6: Urging Congress to Repeal GPO and WEP ACTION ALERT – Take Action to stop Teacher License Fee Increase …

2018 OEA Election Guide
Ohio Education Association Candidate Recommendations

Ohio’s General Election is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Make sure educators voices are heard this November by making your plan to vote. Please see below for some important dates and links for information on voting in the upcoming General …

Wellness Grant

OEA’s Wellness Grants Help Locals Support Member Well-Being

2019-20 OEA Treasurer Workshops
2024-2025 Treasurer’s Workshop Dates

The workshops are designed for new Local Treasurers as well as experienced treasurers who want a refresher. Other local officers are also welcome attend. OEA Treasurer Mark Hill will facilitate the workshops

Image: State Teachers Retirement System, exterior
Vote for Arthur Lard for STRS Board

The OEA Board of Directors has endorsed Arthur Lard for election to the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Board. He teaches Business Education, Financial Management & Accounting. Additionally, he has served as Treasurer of his local association for 19 years. This background will serve him well.

Educated Union Member Pin
Betsy DeVos Just Asked You to Drop Membership

The dark money groups behind the Mackinac Center have launched a full-scale attack on our union. Minutes after the Supreme Court issued their decision in Janus vs. AFSCME the Mackinac Center began emailing educators in Ohio and across the country encouraging them to drop their union membership.

Benjamin Local Classified Employees Win Union Election

The Benjamin Local SD’s classified employees will join the district’s 115+ educators of the Benjamin Logan EA, who have been a part of OEA since 1974.