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Back to School
OEA/NEA Member Back-to-School Guide

Students may still be enjoying their summer vacations, but for educators, the beginning of the next school year is just around the corner. The editors of @NEAToday & OhioSchools Magazine have compiled a list of our best articles and resources to help you get ready for the fall semester.

2018 OEA Election Guide
OEA 2022 Election Guide

This content is for OEA members only.

2018 OEA Election Guide
Ohio Education Association Candidate Recommendations

Ohio’s General Election is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Make sure educators voices are heard this November by making your plan to vote. Please see below for some important dates and links for information on voting in the upcoming General …

K-5 License Plate Design Contest

Ohio Education Association and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost are partnering to host a “Stop Bullying” License Plate Design Contest for students in grades K-5. Entries must be postmarked by May 31, 2019.

Logo: Strong OEA = Strong Public Schools
Stand Strong for Public Education…Together, We Can!

Together, we are continuing the fight for strong public schools by strengthening our locals and demonstrating value and relevance to our members.

OEA Legislative Scorecard

When it comes to public education, OEA members are the experts, and they have a right and a need to be heard. The legislative scorecard reflects each member of the Ohio General Assembly.

OEA Charles A. Glatt — Human and Civil Rights Award

The Ohio Education Association recognizes achievements in human relations and related intercultural activities that impact children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession by presenting the OEA Charles A. Glatt — Human and Civil Rights Award. Dr. Charles …

OEA Awards and Scholarships

The upcoming January 21, 2022 deadline is quickly approaching for many OEA awards & scholarships.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Remember that the sole purpose of a conference is to allow the parent and teacher to understand more fully the student’s performance in school and ways to enhance that performance. Communicate this purpose to parents. Keeping this in mind keeps …

ESSA Fact Sheet

For 14 long years, students and educators have lived under the deeply flawed No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) returns decision making for our nation’s education back where it belongs — in the hands of local educators, parents, and communities — while keeping the focus on students most in need.