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Scholarships for 2024 NEA National Leadership Summit

Preparations are in full swing for the NEA Leadership Summit being held March 1-3, 2024.  At this time, the NEA is planning for an in-person experience for the 2024 Leadership Summit to be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, IL. The summit will further develop Activist leaders and prepare them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to lead relevant, thriving associations and to lead in their professions. The theme for the 2024 Summit is Education. Democracy. Freedom. Our Right! Our Responsibility!

ESP Educator Voice Academy

 Overview In 2019, the NEA created the Educator Voice Academies (EVAs) to help build an understanding of opportunities within ESSA and the power of lifting and amplifying educator voices for state and local affiliate members. This effort was led …

OEA Legislative Scorecard

When it comes to public education, OEA members are the experts, and they have a right and a need to be heard. The legislative scorecard reflects each member of the Ohio General Assembly.

Bargaining OSCES

This content is for OEA members only.

Once a Union is Formed

Negotiating a Contract Once the company recognizes the union (via card check) or the union wins an NLRB election, the company and union must negotiate a contract which spells out terms of employment for those workers eligible for the contract. …

Your Right to Organize

The right to have a union, support a union, and engage in union activity is protected by State and Federal law. It is illegal for management to harass, intimidate, punish, or fire anyone for exercising your legally protected right to organize.

Tools to Assist Local Presidents

A variety of tools are available to local association presidents to help them carry out leadership functions and to familiarize them with OEA operations and services. The following tools are available from the specified OEA departments listed below. Regular communications …

image: black office folders on the shelves
OEA Governance Documents

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining Nondiscrimination

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining 403(b) Special Pay Plans

This content is for OEA members only.