Audience: Higher Education staff

OEA Legislative Scorecard

When it comes to public education, OEA members are the experts, and they have a right and a need to be heard. The legislative scorecard reflects each member of the Ohio General Assembly.

Ohio Education Association elects new Secretary-Treasurer

Friday, May 11, Mark Hill of the Worthington Education Association, was elected Secretary-Treasurer of Ohio’s largest association of public employees, the Ohio Education Association (OEA). Hill will serve a three-year term beginning July 15, 2018.

December 2017 Ohio Schools

CHALLENGING ASSUMPTIONS: In Wellston, climate science lessons offer a learning opportunity for educators, students, and the community

Local Capacity

It takes all of us together to educate the child. And we all love what we do. We also know that whatever affects one is going to affect others, so we advocate and fight for our students and each other. …

Strong Local Associations

Sharing your experiences and learning from each other — learning the right things and sometimes the wrong things to do — is easily done when you’re part of the network the Association offers.

Collective Bargaining

Without collective bargaining, we can’t advocate for our students’ learning conditions and our working conditions. Being involved in OEA gives us the resources to do that. We believe in public education, we support each other, and, most importantly, we always …

The Value of Membership

Members tell their stories of why they value OEA membership. By being a member of OEA, educators have the power to stand up for their students. OEA is an advocate for high quality public education for all students.

October 2017 Ohio Schools

THE ART OF TEACHING: For 2018 Ohio Teacher of the Year Jonathan Juravich, successful teaching blends collaboration, dedication and inspiration

OEA Paul Swaddling Peace and International Relations Award

The OEA Paul Swaddling Peace and International Relations Award recognizes individual members and local associations who have furthered the cause of peace and international understanding. Paul Swaddling was a teacher for over 20 years in the Berea City Schools located in northeastern Ohio. His personal and professional life exemplified a commitment to his two great passions: education and peace.

OEA Charles A. Glatt — Human and Civil Rights Award

The Ohio Education Association recognizes achievements in human relations and related intercultural activities that impact children, communities, the educational process, and/or the United Education Profession by presenting the OEA Charles A. Glatt — Human and Civil Rights Award. Dr. Charles …

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