Audience: Local leader

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Betsy DeVos Just Asked You to Drop Membership

The dark money groups behind the Mackinac Center have launched a full-scale attack on our union. Minutes after the Supreme Court issued their decision in Janus vs. AFSCME the Mackinac Center began emailing educators in Ohio and across the country encouraging them to drop their union membership.

Benjamin Local Classified Employees Win Union Election

The Benjamin Local SD’s classified employees will join the district’s 115+ educators of the Benjamin Logan EA, who have been a part of OEA since 1974.

You Cannot Silence the Voice of Working People

Teaching children is pretty wonderful. This has been my passion and in the 19 years that I taught, I learned from and have been inspired by my colleagues. I have also been moved by the actions of fellow union members …

Logo: Strong OEA = Strong Public Schools
Stand Strong for Public Education…Together, We Can!

Together, we are continuing the fight for strong public schools by strengthening our locals and demonstrating value and relevance to our members.

June 2018 Ohio Schools Cover
June 2018 Ohio Schools

Celebrating School — 20th Annual Create-A-Cover Contest highlights what students like most

Support Ohio’s Educators and Students Act

Dear OEA Member, I hope that you are enjoying this year’s Summer Leadership Academy.  I want to also thank you for your commitment to OEA, your local association, colleagues, and the students you serve. Because of your leadership, we will …

Ohio Education Association Endorses Cordray for Governor

“Richard Cordray displayed an impressive understanding of the key issues that Ohio’s next Governor will face – from the need to invest more in the state’s public schools and less in poor-performing charter schools.

OEA Legislative Scorecard

When it comes to public education, OEA members are the experts, and they have a right and a need to be heard. The legislative scorecard reflects each member of the Ohio General Assembly.

Ohio Education Association elects new Secretary-Treasurer

Friday, May 11, Mark Hill of the Worthington Education Association, was elected Secretary-Treasurer of Ohio’s largest association of public employees, the Ohio Education Association (OEA). Hill will serve a three-year term beginning July 15, 2018.

February 2018 Ohio Schools

This content is for OEA members only.

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