Audience: OEA member

OEA ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship

The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an Education Support Professional member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university.

OEA Doris L. Allen — Human and Civil Rights Award

Doris L. Allen, OEA Human Relations Consultant, was killed December 1, 1974, in the crash of a TWA airliner while en route to Washington, D.C., to attend a Human Relations staff conference sponsored by NEA.During her brief time on the OEA staff, she developed a handbook for local association human relations committees. She also developed an audio-visual presentation on human relations awareness, conducted human relations programs around Ohio, and served as a member of the OEA’s Racism Awareness Cadre. OEA’s Minority Caucus was renamed the Doris L. Allen Minority Caucus in recognition of her contributions.

OEA Awards & Scholarships

Awards & Scholarships | OEA is pleased to celebrate, honor, and reward the outstanding work of our members and local affiliates who have made special contributions to the improvement of public education.

OEA Opposes Proposal of Federal Funds to Buy Guns for Educators

OEA President Becky Higgins: “The idea of arming teachers is simply a bad idea. It does not make our schools and our students safer. The suggestion that Title IV-A funds, which are meant to be used for mental health, bullying prevention, and other programs would be used to put guns into our classrooms is unacceptable.”

OEA Representative Assembly
Representative Assembly

The Representative Assembly (RA) is the policy-making body of the Ohio Education Association. It is comprised of members who have been elected as delegates to represent their local associations. Any member is welcome to attend.

Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Education Association #ABConduct tips
#ABConduct Tip Sheets

The Ohio Department of Education and Ohio Education Association has a series of career tips on how to recognize as well as address ethical dilemmas.

Educated Union Member Pin
Betsy DeVos Just Asked You to Drop Membership

The dark money groups behind the Mackinac Center have launched a full-scale attack on our union. Minutes after the Supreme Court issued their decision in Janus vs. AFSCME the Mackinac Center began emailing educators in Ohio and across the country encouraging them to drop their union membership.

Benjamin Local Classified Employees Win Union Election

The Benjamin Local SD’s classified employees will join the district’s 115+ educators of the Benjamin Logan EA, who have been a part of OEA since 1974.

You Cannot Silence the Voice of Working People

Teaching children is pretty wonderful. This has been my passion and in the 19 years that I taught, I learned from and have been inspired by my colleagues. I have also been moved by the actions of fellow union members …

Logo: Strong OEA = Strong Public Schools
Stand Strong for Public Education…Together, We Can!

Together, we are continuing the fight for strong public schools by strengthening our locals and demonstrating value and relevance to our members.

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