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Your Career ABCs: Demystifying Acronyms and Abbreviations

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EMIS Educational Management Information System
eTPES Electronic Teacher Principal Evaluation System
HQT Highly Qualified Teacher
HET Highly Effective Teacher
MRM Multivariate Response Model
OAA Ohio Achievement Assessments
OPES Ohio Principal Evaluation System
OTES Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College Careers
RTTT Race to the Top
AIR American Institute of Research
SGM Student Growth Measure
TSDL Teacher Data Student Linkage
SLO Student Learning Objective
SOAR Schools On-Line Achievement Reports Project
TIF Teacher Incentive Fund
TOR Teacher of Record
URM Univariate Response Model
VA Vendor Assessment
VAM Value Added Method
IEP Individualized Education Program
EVAAS/SAS Education Value Added Assessment System-Statistical Analysis System
TGRG Third Grade Reading Guarantee


Educational Management Information System The Education Management Information System is a statewide data collection system for Ohio’s primary and secondary education, including demographic information, attendance, course information, financial data, and test results.
Electronic Teacher Principal Evaluation System The Ohio Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems (eTPES) is an online educator evaluation system for statewide use by Ohio districts and schools.

Evaluators can* collect and store growth and improvement plans, evidence and documented observations to determine educator performance based upon defined rubrics. The electronic system will follow the framework* for educator evaluation as adopted by the State Board of Education.

*http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3319.111v2 (G)

Highly Qualified Teacher The actual definition and teacher requirements of highly qualified teacher can be found in §9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), otherwise known as NCLB.

Requires all core academic teachers and instructional paraprofessionals especially those whose positions are paid by Title I targeted assistance funds to meet requirements designated by ODE to meet federal standards.

Starting in 2016-2017, intervention specialists of students eligible for the Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities in Grades 7-12 will need to comply.

Shift to HET with ESSA*

Multivariate Response Model Multivariate Response Model (MRM) is used for tests given in consecutive grades, like the OAA math and reading assessments in grades three through eight.
Ohio Achievement Assessments The Ohio Achievement Assessments for grades 3-8 measure students’ achievement levels in Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science.

Previously known as OAPs, OATs, and proficiency tests. Replaced by PARCC in Spring 2014-2015.

Ohio Principal Evaluation System ODE suggests the following model-

Two components, each weighted at 50 percent:

1. Principal performance rating, determined from:

    • A professional growth plan
    • Two 30 minute observations
    • Walkthroughs

2. Student academic growth rating

3. Reported via eTPES

http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3319.02 (D)(1)

Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Standard 50/50 Framework

Two components, each weighted at 50 percent:

  1. Teacher performance rating, from:
    • A professional growth plan*
    • Two 30 minute observations
    • Walkthroughs
  2. Student academic growth rating

New Alternative Framework– optional (effective 9/11/14)

  1. Teacher performance rating weighted at 42.5 percent, determined from:
    • A professional growth plan;*
    • Two 30 minute observations;
    • Walkthroughs;
  2. Student academic growth rating, weighted at 42.5 percent
  3. One alternative component from the list below, using an ODE approved instrument:
  • Student surveys;
  • Teacher self-evaluations;
  • Peer review evaluations; or
  • Student portfolios.

http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3319.111v2 and http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3319.112v2

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College Careers One of two consortiums which developed online K-12 assessments in English and math. Will also supply assessments for Science grades 5 and 8, Social Studies grades 4 and 6. End-of-course tests to meet Ohio high school graduation requirements. They are ELA 1 and 2, algebra I, geometry (or integrated math 1 and 2), American history and American government and physical science. All will begin administration in Spring 2015.
Race to the Top Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), provides funding to States to

  • Develop assessments, to measure student achievement against common standards,
  • Provide administrators, educators, parents, and students with data,
  • Support teacher evaluation systems.
Student Growth Measure Measures student growth which Ohio requires within teacher evaluation, principal evaluation and district grade card reports.  Ohio law allows three types: Value Added, Approved Vendor Assessment and Local Measure (s).
Teacher Student Linkage An online process which ‘links’ teachers to the students to whom they have provided instruction.  Also known as Roster Verification (RV)
Student Learning Objective A student learning objective is a measurable, long-term academic growth target that a teacher sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students.
Teacher of Record The teacher to which student learning is attributed. However definitions differ based upon procedure, purpose and politics.
Univariate Response Model Univariate Response Model (URM) is used when a test is given in non-consecutive grades, such as OAA science assessments in grades five and eight or any End-of-Course tests.
Vendor Assessment A commercial product used to assess student growth.  Law requires ODE to select and approve vendor assessments. If a local uses the vendor’s product, the data must be used within student growth measures.  
Value Added Method Value-added analysis, which originated in economics, is a statistical method which purports to measure the impact schools and teachers have on students’ academic progress rates from year to year. Various models exist.
Education Value Added Assessment System (SAS) EVAAS and SAS builds on methodology developed by Dr. William L. Sanders, and  provides software, data analytics and management to a wide variety of industries including education, government and insurance.
RANDA “ RANDA acquires, manages and utilizes data providing a variety of education intelligence: Student Data (student identification, student demographics, assessments, student growth, course completion, and college readiness), Educator Data (educator identification, educator demographics, professional development/continuing education, Teacher/Student Data Link (TSDL), value added assessment alignment, and teacher effectiveness), and third-party data (community demographics, school climate, early warning data).”


Local Measures Provided for student growth measure purposes. Currently SLOs and shared attribution have been provided via ODE and eTPES.
Shared Attribution Teachers ‘share’ student assessment results for purposes of evaluation.  
AIR Replaces PARCC for Online State Assessments in 2015
EOC End of Course Exams
ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act (law)
OSA Online State Assessments
OIP Ohio Improvement Plan
CCIP Cycle of Continuous Improvement Plan
CHPT Consistently High Performing Teacher
IPDP Individual Professional Development Plan
CTC Career Technical Courses (sometimes CTC is used for Career Technical College)
LPDC Licensed Professional Development


Education Policy and Governing Bodies
Education Support Professional
New Teacher
OEA Member
preK-12 Teacher
Professional Resources
Student Member