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OEA Leaders Working to Shape State, Federal COVID-19 Response Policies

OEA Leaders Working to Shape State, Federal COVID-19 Response Policies

[September 2, 2020] As schools return to session in the midst of the global Coronavirus pandemic, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) is joining the conversations to shape policies for educating Ohio’s children and keeping educators and families across the country safe.

On Wednesday afternoon, OEA President Scott DiMauro delivered a statement to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine on the need to prioritize teachers and other education employees as allocation plans for the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine are made. OEA Vice President Jeff Wensing testified before Ohio lawmakers Wednesday in support of proposed changes to the state’s education laws in response to COVID-19.

“As the school year begins our students and educators are facing many challenges. Whether classes are in-person, online or a combination of the two, it is unlike any year that came before. Recognizing this, Senate Bill 358 (SB 358) would extend flexibility in several areas,” Vice President Wensing told Senate Education Committee members. Click here for Wensing’s full statement

OEA applauds calls in SB 358 to require the Ohio Department of Education to seek a federal waiver of testing requirements and suspend the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment, some high school end-of-course exams, and the fall administration of the 3rd grade ELA test. OEA also supports the provision of SB 358 allowing local flexibility on teacher evaluations and urges lawmakers to amend the bill to extend the House Bill 164 prohibition on using student growth data in teacher evaluations through the 2021-22 school year. SB 358’s suspension of school and district report card ratings for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years is wholeheartedly welcomed by OEA.

“Due to COVID-19, school districts will continue to experience barriers to education service delivery and instability in student data (particularly in districts with high concentrations of poverty). It would be misleading and unfair to require report card grades or punitive measures based on report card data during this time,” Wensing said. “Further, OEA continues to urge legislators to overhaul Ohio’s broken report card system. Now is the time to act with urgency so we don’t go back to using a report card widely regarded as fundamentally flawed.”

While Ohio lawmakers debate measures to address the educational challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, national leaders are making decisions about distributing COVID-19 vaccines when they become available. Speaking on behalf of the National Education Association and its 3 million members, OEA President DiMauro urged the National Academy of Sciences to place all education employees in a higher tier of prioritization to receive vaccines. The current draft framework would place teachers in Phase 2 of the plan to equitably allocate vaccines, but DiMauro encouraged Academy members to include teachers, paraeducators and other education support professionals, specialized instructional support personnel, librarians, administrators, and higher education faculty and staff in Phase 1b, in recognition of the crucial role educational institutions play and the underlying vulnerabilities of many of the employees who work in them.

“Nothing is more important than ensuring that we return to safe and equitable in-person instruction,” DiMauro said. “It is crucial for any vaccination plan to incorporate the voices of front-line workers, including educators.”

Click here for DiMauro’s full statement


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OEA and Policy Matters Ohio leaders joining to discuss critical need for federal COVID-19 relief funding for schools

[August 7, 2020] As federal lawmakers consider legislation to provide COVID-19 relief to the country, Policy Matters Ohio Executive Director Hannah Halbert and Ohio Education Association (OEA) President Scott DiMauro will answer questions from community members and reporters about the critical need for this aid for Ohio’s schools as they prepare to reopen for remote and in-person learning this fall.

OEA and Policy Matters Ohio are hosting a joint press event via Zoom on Tuesday, August 11, at 11 a.m.

The event will also be streamed via the OEA and Policy Matters Ohio Facebook pages. OEA Members and the wider community are invited to take part by submitting their questions and comments through that forum.
“Ohio’s children are heading back to school – either in person or virtually – parents and teachers are under enormous pressure to navigate educating children in the middle of a pandemic,” said Policy Matters Executive Director Hannah Halbert. “To do this safely, in a way that protects kids, their families, our communities, and the people who work in our schools, there will be increased costs. Elected leaders must ensure schools can meet these new and incredible challenges, and shouldn’t be permitted to pass the buck to educators, or kids and their parents.”

OEA is pleased to present Policy Matters Ohio with this year’s Friend of Education Award, which recognizes a person or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education on a statewide and/or national level.

“Policy Matters is a true Friend of Education,” OEA President Scott DiMauro said. “The research institute’s work to provide data-driven analysis shapes the debates around important public education issues in the state, helping decision-makers fully understand and appreciate what is best for Ohio’s students and educators.”

“Like Policy Matters, OEA believes education can be society’s great equalizer if all students can attend safe, high-quality schools, no matter where they live,” DiMauro said. “OEA is grateful to have such a strong ally in its ongoing battles against the damaging EdChoice vouchers program and Ohio’s unconstitutional school funding system, which disproportionately hurts students in poor school districts. Now, more than ever, securing fair funding for all of Ohio’s public schools is crucial for all students’ success and safety.”


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OEA Endorses Jennifer Brunner and John O’Donnell for Ohio Supreme Court

[July 15, 2020] When voters cast their ballots this year in the critically-important Ohio Supreme Court races, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) strongly believes Judge John O’Donnell and Judge Jennifer Brunner are the best choices for the future of public education in the state.

“Ohio’s next Supreme Court justices are likely to make important decisions that will impact public education in Ohio,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro. “OEA believes Ohio students and educators would be well-served by having Jennifer Brunner and John O’Donnell on the state’s highest court.”

Brunner, a former Ohio Secretary of State, has decades of legal experience in private practice and on the bench as both a state trial court judge and as a Tenth District Court of Appeals judge, where she wrote a dissenting opinion concerning the law (HB 70) that allows the state through an appointed “CEO” to decide when and how to take over troubled school districts. She urged that this law was unconstitutionally adopted and has the potential for irreparable harm to students, the teachers who teach them and Youngstown City School District. Judge Brunner said in her decision, “stability is prudent in protecting the educational interests” of students and the teachers who teach them in communities such as Youngstown.

“Judge Brunner’s clearly articulated position on the HB 70 question was heartening to OEA,” DiMauro said. “It’s one of many reasons why we look forward to having her on the Supreme Court.”

OEA believes Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge John O’Donnell will also be a strong ally for quality public education if elected to the Ohio Supreme Court. Furthermore, he is committed to upholding a fair redistricting process when new legislative and political boundaries are drawn.

“Redistricting could be a contentious issue in Ohio,” said DiMauro, “and if legal challenges arise, the composition of the Supreme Court will be key to ensuring that Ohio’s voters will have a fair shake in deciding who should represent them in the legislature and in Congress, regardless of what neighborhood they call home.”

Education is a critical issue for Ohio’s voters. A recent statewide survey by Lake Research Partners found that 47 percent of independent voters say electing Supreme Court Justices who will ensure that Ohio politicians meet their obligations to support a strong system of public education, no matter what zip code a child may live in, is extremely important.


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OEA Applauds Governor’s Mask Order for Hot-Spot Counties

[July 8, 2020] As Ohio’s local school districts confront the challenges of educating students this fall amidst a global pandemic, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) welcomes the decision by Governor Mike DeWine to require Ohioans in the counties where Covid-19 is spreading most rapidly to wear masks in public places.

“The health and safety of students, educators, education support professionals, and the wider community must be the top priorities for any school reopening plans. For schools in the seven “hot-spot” counties where the risk of spreading the virus is greatest, requiring everyone – students and staff – to wear masks could save lives,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro.

Initial guidance from the governor’s office to shape reopening plans had encouraged students to wear masks, but they would not have been required. The new order from the governor strengthens the directive from the state.

“The evidence from public health experts makes clear that masks are, absent a vaccine, the best method we have so far to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Masks have been shown to help protect the people around an infected person from coming into contact with virus-laden respiratory droplets, which can disperse even when that person shows no symptoms,” DiMauro said. “After urging the governor to provide stronger enforcement of his school reopening guidelines, OEA is heartened to see him take this common-sense measure.”

As school districts around the state continue to develop their plans for how to safely reopen schools in the fall, OEA urges local officials to work collaboratively with educators on the policies and procedures that will best serve students.


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OEA Urges Greater Accountability in Reopening Plans for Schools

[July 2, 2020] As Ohio’s teachers, education support professionals, and students prepare to head back to school in the fall, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) welcomes the guidelines released by Governor Mike DeWine Thursday, and encourages the Administration to give additional consideration to enforcement of the guidelines.

“OEA understands and respects the long-standing adherence to local control in decision-making around public education, but the state also has a critical role to play amidst an unprecedented public health crisis and a rising number of cases of COVID-19,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro. “While we appreciate the consideration given to the importance of social distancing, health checks, and sanitation protocols in the Governor’s plan, it lacks a means of enforcement, even when a county is in the highest tier of the alert system.”

“Parents need to feel confident that schools are safe for their students to return to if we have any hope of successfully reopening the economy. They should not have to choose between their students’ health and their academic success,” DiMauro said. “A good number of Ohio’s educators are in the highest-risk group for severe complications from COVID-19. They should not have to choose between their livelihood and their health.”

OEA believes that it is more important than ever that educators have a seat at the table in local decisions, and to allow creative problem-solving through the collective bargaining process.

“We must ensure educators’ voices are heard in every school district as plans are developed to ensure a safe, successful school year,” DiMauro said. “We must also ensure resources are in place to implement critical safety measures. Federal lawmakers must step up and provide the needed funding for schools across Ohio.”

The U.S. House-passed HEROES Act would provide some of that education funding, but the Senate has failed to take up that bill for consideration. “We urge Sen. Rob Portman and his colleagues to act now on behalf of Ohio’s students,” DiMauro said.


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Ohio Education Association Supports State Resolutions Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis

[June 23, 2020] As the national conversation about racial and economic inequities continues, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) stands in support of the concurring resolutions (HCR 31 and SCR 14) under consideration in the Ohio House and Senate to declare racism a public health crisis and create a working group to promote racial equity.

“Racism hurts people of color in all aspects of their lives, including educational outcomes,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro. “Historic ‘redlining’ in many communities and systemic inequality put people of color at tremendous disadvantages. The deep-seated problems that have been exposed through a pandemic that adversely impacts communities of color and the recent incidents of police violence heighten the urgent need to address these issues.”

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the effects of COVID-19 found a “disproportionate burden of illness and death among racial and ethnic minority groups.”

OEA recognizes the important role educators can play in addressing racial and economic inequities. “We can and should be confronting these issues head-on in our classrooms to expand Ohioans’ understanding of how racism affects individuals in our communities,” DiMauro said.

“Our teachers and education support professionals see first-hand every day how their students’ lives have been shaped by racism in our society,” DiMauro said, noting that Ohio’s schools play a critical role in providing health and nutrition services. “Where you were born and what you look like should not determine whether you can get access to high-quality education and adequate educational resources.”

According to the most recent data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 32 percent of African-American children in the U.S. live in poverty. There is ample evidence that poorer children tend to enter school with a readiness gap due to fewer community and family resources. That gap can be exacerbated in under-resourced classrooms, resulting in higher dropout rates. In the 2016-2017 school year, the graduation rate for black students in Ohio was 69 percent, while it was 88 percent for white students, according to an NCES report. The Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies’ 2019 State of Poverty report found that Ohioans without a high school diploma or GED are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than those who have finished high school.

In addition to the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on communities of color, educational inequities have been further illuminated and exacerbated by distance learning in the face of the ongoing pandemic. There is a clear link between race, poverty, and health and OEA is committed to addressing these issues while promoting measures that set up all students for lifelong success.

“Our students deserve better,” said DiMauro, “and OEA believes recognizing racism as a public health crisis and creating a working group to address this issue are important first steps.”


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June/July 2020 Ohio Schools

  • COVER STORY: Celebrating School
  • FEATURE: Extraordinary Measures in Extraordinary Times
    • OEA members gather for Ohio Association of Special Needs Professionals Annual Conference

Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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Senate Bill 319 Would Provide Troubling Furlough Authority to School Districts

[June 6, 2019] Senate Bill 319, which was recently introduced, seeks to make additional changes to education law for the 2020-2021 school year in response to the COVID-19 health crisis.

While the bill includes some positive provisions on teacher evaluations, high school graduation, and services to special needs students, OEA opposes a provision in the bill that would provide greater furlough authority to school districts and ESC boards through June 30, 2021.

We urge you to take action as an advocate for children and public education.

Please send a quick message to your state Senator asking him or her to support our students and schools by removing the furlough provision from SB 319.


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‘A’ is for Advocacy – Why We Must All Become Activist Educators

By Julie Holderbaum, Minerva EA/OEA

During the past few months, Ohio’s teachers have found ways to creatively teach every content area while being separated physically from our students. It hasn’t been easy.

However, our struggles as teachers learning new technology and methods of teaching pale in comparison to the challenges of our students trying to learn from home. Few of them have a quiet workspace with a computer and ample time to engage with school assignments. Even in the best case scenarios, students are distracted by Netflix and TikTok, phones and video games. Most of my students face even greater challenges. They are taking care of younger siblings while their parents work, or they are working more hours at their own jobs to help with family expenses. Some of my students suffer from depression and anxiety, and now they are dealing with the world turned upside down. Sadly, in the worst cases, students are trapped at home with physically or mentally abusive family members and no escape to the safety of school.

Coupled with the fact that the learning environment at home can be problematic is the fact that there is great inequity in access to technology among Ohio’s families. A significant number of our students do not have access to the internet or the devices necessary to complete online work even in otherwise positive home learning environments.

A packet of work sent home is not the same as students being able to participate in a class meeting online or exchange emails with their teacher. It’s not the same as being able to view videos of their teachers explaining concepts, or watching their teachers work a math problem or edit a paragraph via a document camera.

Given the stressors that make learning from home difficult and the lack of technology that plagues many students, we can all agree that in-person education is in the best social and academic interest of our kids (and, frankly, our economy, because not every parent has a job that allows them to work from home when kids are not in school).

The task before us then is daunting and expensive: we need to deal with the technology gap in case a public health crisis again forces us to educate through remote learning, while at the same time make accommodations to ensure safe conditions for in-person learning.

I was hopeful that Governor DeWine would avoid making drastic cuts to school funding. I was even naive enough to hope the governor would find ways to provide more funding to public education.

Instead, last week, the governor announced a “$300 million reduction in K-12 public-school funding, $210 million from Medicaid spending and $110 million from college and university funding.”[1] To my dismay, teachers, students, and the poorest Ohioans will bear the brunt of the budget cuts caused by the COVID-19 crisis.

Interestingly, the Department of Corrections was spared from the budget ax, because “(prisons) have gotten to be more expensive to operate as state officials try to deal with COVID-19 outbreaks among prisoners and staff.”[2]

Aren’t schools going to become more expensive to operate as we try to deal with preventing outbreaks among students and staff? Schools are also a setting where a lot of people come in contact with each other in a relatively small space, which is why they were the first to be shut down when the dire nature of the situation became clear.

To return to school and keep our students and educators safe, nearly every aspect of the school day will need to be changed. Lunches, assemblies, large classes such as gym and choir, even one-on-one tutoring sessions will all have to be reconfigured. To achieve smaller class sizes, students might attend on alternate days or for half days. These modifications may require extra bussing, increased staffing, longer school operating hours, and at the very least, more daily cleaning and sanitizing. Furthermore, we need to be prepared to offer additional mental health services to help our students deal with the stress of returning to school or the trauma they endured while at home. Not knowing if or when something like this might happen again, we also need to ensure equal access to technology for all kids. And all of that equals MORE MONEY, not less.

Why not tap part of Ohio’s rainy-day fund? We are far beyond rain. We are past thunderstorms, tornadoes, and floods. We are close to “Sharknado” territory, and if that isn’t the time to use at least part of the rainy-day fund, when is? In actuality, we could use ALL of the rainy-day fund to avoid cuts in education and still have billions left over.

I know that OEA’s leadership agrees that we should tap into the rainy day fund. As Piet van Lier of Policy Matters Ohio noted “the state should have looked to the rainy-day fund now to help school funding, a move DeWine chose not to take,” and adding that “It’s just beyond comprehension that you could be doing that [cutting aid to schools] without turning over every stone.”[3]

Perhaps the cuts to school budgets made by the governor will be offset by the federal CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. But the fact remains, if DeWine had not made the draconian cuts to education, any CARES money school districts receive could have actually been used to address the inequity issues and the need for creative solutions to resume in-person education, rather than to simply put local budgets on track to barely break even.

The governor likes to say we are “all in this together.” It doesn’t feel that way to me. It feels like educators, who have figured out how to completely change education in a matter of days, who are putting in more hours than ever before, who don’t even have time to say “we didn’t sign up for this,” are being taken advantage of. We’ve always stepped up, we’ve always figured out how to make do with the money we’re given, we’ve always done everything that has been asked of us and in such an outstanding manner that the governor has no reason not to expect that we won’t figure this out, too.

We simply have to stop settling for monetary leftovers. We have to fight to make Ohio’s children the priority they should have been all along. We can’t count on Betsy DeVos or the current occupant of the White House to provide federal dollars to help the nation’s schools meet the new challenges we face. We can’t simply rely on union leaders or education-friendly state legislators to advocate for us and for our students. WE must fight for funding to address the new needs of our schools. WE must fight for safe conditions for us and our students to return to. WE must fight for equal access to technology for all kids.

We must let the governor and our elected representatives in Ohio and Washington DC know that we are willing to step up to the challenge that the COVID virus has brought to education, as we have demonstrated in stellar fashion during remote learning, but we need financial help to do so.

It is time to go on the offensive.

There are nearly 140,000 educators in Ohio[4]; imagine the power of some 140,000 people advocating for proper funding to take care of the needs of our students. We teach our students to stand up for what they believe in; are we doing that ourselves?

It’s worth contacting our U.S. Representatives and Senators to ask them to fight for funding from Congress. We have an even better chance of developing relationships with our state representatives and senators. A hand-written letter speaks volumes. An email also works and will allow you to quickly reach all of your legislators. Put your legislators’ office phone numbers in the Favorites on your phone so you can call them easily and frequently. Donate to the FCPE fund so that we can continue to elect legislators who support public education.

We need to make sure our leaders are hearing from educational experts. They might not seek out our opinion, but we must give it to them anyway, and hope that they have the good sense to listen to us when making decisions that impact education in Ohio.

The old cliche says that teachers shape the future. That has never been more true than now. It pains my heart to say it, but education may never be the same. We may never go back to “normal.” We have to prepare for that reality, and that means becoming teachers who advocate and argue for the funding we need to make the changes that will indeed shape the future of public education in a post-COVID 19 world.

— Julie Holderbaum is an English Instructor and an Academic Challenge Advisor at Minerva High School, Minerva, Ohio.


[1] “Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announces $775m in state budget ….” 5 May. 2020, https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/05/ohio-gov-mike-dewine-announces-775m-in-state-budget-cuts-to-education-medicaid-and-more.html. Accessed 6 May. 2020.

[2] “Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announces $775m in state budget ….” 5 May. 2020, https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/05/ohio-gov-mike-dewine-announces-775m-in-state-budget-cuts-to-education-medicaid-and-more.html. Accessed 6 May. 2020.

[3] “Coronavirus economic fallout ‘terrifies’ school leaders, experts ….” 8 May. 2020, https://www.cleveland.com/coronavirus/2020/05/coronavirus-economic-fallout-terrifies-school-leaders-experts-stirring-fears-of-deep-budget-cuts-merged-districts.html. Accessed 11 May. 2020.

[4] “Facts and Figures | Ohio Department of Education.” 11 Feb. 2020, http://education.ohio.gov/Media/Facts-and-Figures. Accessed 11 May. 2020.


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April/ May 2020 Ohio Schools

  • COVER STORY: OEA members focus on organizing and preparing for the future at 2020 Advocacy and Organizing Institute
  • FEATURE: OEA endorses Andrew Smith for election to the State Teachers Retirement Board
    • Maple Heights paraprofessional names 2020 NEA Education Support Professional of the Year
    • NEOEA celebrates 150 years

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