PBS has crafted some lesson plans on H1N1, designed for grades 10-12 in Secondary Life Science, Biology, Health, and Current Events – https://www.pbs.org/education/. Students will:
- Utilize prior knowledge to answer questions about viruses and form a definition of the term virus.
- Participate in a class simulation to learn about how viruses spread, often without the knowledge of those who are infected.
- Discuss what they know about H1N1 flu, sometimes called swine flu and check the accuracy of their facts using primary sources related to the topics and classroom discussion activities.
- Examine the process used for developing disease fighting vaccines using primary sources and classroom discussion activities.
- Create projects that illustrate what they have learned about viruses, H1N1 flu, and the threat of a worldwide pandemic.
- Share their projects with classmates to demonstrate their learning.
Are you planning any lessons on flu? Teaching students how to properly wash their hands? Or perhaps a lesson on pandemics? Share your ideas and resources with colleagues.