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Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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OASNP Annual Special Education Conference



Ohio Association of Special Needs Professionals

“Supporting One, Supporting All”

Friday and Saturday, April 25-26
Nationwide Conference Center
100 Green Meadows Drive S
Lewis Center, OH 43035

The content will appeal to both County Board of DD and Local School District members.
CEUs will be available.

Experienced members will be available to help you fill out the application for a PR Grant.
See the website for sample grant ideas that might work in your local.

Friday, April 25, 2025

5:00 Registration
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Welcome/Introductions
Nikki Nadasky, OASNP Chairperson
OEA Office Candidates
7:30 Kick-off The OEA Fund Drive
8:00 Social Hour and Networking

Saturday, April 26, 2025

8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Scott DiMauro, OEA President
9:30 Friend of Special Education Award
9:45 Legislative Update
Melissa Clark, OEA Governmental Services
11:00 Legal Update
Kaitlin Grant, OEA Plan Attorney
12:15 Lunch
1:15 “Supporting One, Supporting All: Improving
Behavior by Creating Inclusive Communities”
Daria DeNoia, OEA Education Policy & Practice
2:45 OASNP Annual Meeting
3:45 Wrap-up
Stay-to-the-End Raffle


Registration is limited – register early! Registration cost will be $35.00 for members and $45.00 for non-members who are eligible to be members, which will also cover the cost of joining OASNP. Admission to all sessions, meals, snacks and two complimentary beverages from the lounge are included with registration. Guests are welcome for $65 to cover the cost of meals.

Register by April 15th using the form online at oasnp.org, using PayPal or a credit card. Cancellations will be accepted until April 20th. Anyone who does not cancel by then and does not attend will be billed the cost of the meals. Room reservations must be made separately.


Each participant must reserve their own lodging. The OASNP group rate is $169, plus tax, for a single or double room. Book by April 2nd to guarantee a space in the room block. After April 2nd, the hotel will try to accommodate you at the Conference Center or a nearby hotel. If you need an ADA room or a room close to the activities, indicate that to the reservation specialist when you book your room. Contact OASNP Annual Special Education Conference Book Here. Mention you want rooms in the OASNP room block.

First time Conference attendee?
Mark “YES” on your registration for a chance to win a conference scholarship!