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OEA supports House Plan for EdChoice Vouchers

[February 24, 2020] The Ohio Education Association (OEA) strongly supports the Ohio House of Representatives’ plan for EdChoice Vouchers.

There has been overwhelming support from Ohio educators who back Senate Bill 89 as passed by the Ohio House that addresses the EdChoice Voucher Program. Over 9 days, the Senate heard more than 50 hours of public testimony concerning the private school vouchers. OEA members came out in force to testify, write letters, and call legislators and the Governor to support the House passed bill.

OEA President Scott DiMauro said, “We applaud the leadership shown by the House on this issue.  They’ve recognized the need to invest in the 90% of Ohio’s students who attend public schools while still offering meaningful choice. In OEA’s view, the language in SB 89 as passed by the House represents the best path forward. SB 89 moves away from the blame game of a failing school model; maintains support for current voucher recipients through grandfathering; orients the program towards one that puts Ohio’s neediest families first in line; and moves toward direct state funding of vouchers to preserve funding that supports Ohio’s public school children.”

Ohio educators reject the Senate plan (HB 9) that would continue to have hundreds of schools deemed “failing” and eligible for EdChoice vouchers based on a flawed report card system.  SB 89 which would eliminate most new EdChoice vouchers and shift the program to one based on family income and paid for directly by the state.

The Ohio Education Association is optimistic that the voices of Ohio’s educators have been heard and that a resolution to the still looming voucher crisis is forthcoming.

The Ohio Education Association represents 122,000 teachers, faculty members and support professionals in Ohio’s public schools, colleges and universities.



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