COLUMBUS — Leaders of Ohio’s three largest educator unions, the Ohio Conference of the American Association of University Professors (OCAAUP), the Ohio Federation of Teachers, and the Ohio Education Association, released statements today about the Ohio Senate’s vote to pass SB 1, a far-reaching bill that subjects Ohio’s public colleges and universities to legislative micro-management, more than 100 unfunded administrative mandates, content bans, and restrictions on collective bargaining rights.
OCAAUP Executive Director Sara Kilpatrick:
“Does it matter that more than 800 people submitted testimony against SB 1 and only 15 people submitted testimony in support? Does it matter that amendments from higher education stakeholders – amendments that would reduce bureaucracy and protect core freedoms – were tabled with absolutely no discussion? Does it matter that some parts of SB 1 may jeopardize accreditation for Ohio’s public colleges and universities? We think it should.
Unfortunately, to a majority of Ohio Senators, nothing matters other than passing unpopular, destructive bills. Ohio’s higher education students, faculty, and staff deserve better. We thank all the Senators, of both parties, who voted today to protect our colleges and universities and we look forward to discussing SB 1 with the Ohio House and the DeWine administration.”
OFT President Melissa Cropper:
“The Senators who voted to pass SB 1 may think that they’re targeting “woke” professors, but the expansive nature of the bill means that they’re targeting every single student, professor, and staff member at Ohio’s colleges and universities. They are so angry over their unproven theory that higher education is ideologically biased that they’re willing to take down our world-class system of public colleges and universities. Instead they should focus on the real issues affecting higher education in Ohio, like keeping tuition affordable and surviving tumultuous threats to federal scientific and health funding that schools rely on. As this bill moves to the Ohio House, we are urging representatives to either scrap this flawed bill or give serious consideration to amendments that will blunt the worst of the impacts.”
OEA President Scott DiMauro:
They might not always remember this, but our elected officials work for us and we need to keep demanding that they drop their attacks on workers’ rights. The right to collectively bargain, including the right to strike when absolutely necessary, is what allows faculty and staff to be effective advocates not just for themselves, but also for their students and for their institutions of higher education. There is still time for the Ohio House or the DeWine administration to kill this bill. Every concerned Ohioan should make their voice heard immediately.”
All three leaders thank Senators Catherine Ingram, Casey Weinstein, Kent Smith, and Bill DeMora for offering amendments to SB 1, and thank the bipartisan minority of the Senate that voted against the Bill. SB1 is the worst attack on organized labor since SB 5 in 2011, and the bill is broadly opposed by Ohio labor unions.