Topic: Leadership tools and documents

Your Right to Organize

The right to have a union, support a union, and engage in union activity is protected by State and Federal law. It is illegal for management to harass, intimidate, punish, or fire anyone for exercising your legally protected right to organize.

Tools to Assist Local Presidents

A variety of tools are available to local association presidents to help them carry out leadership functions and to familiarize them with OEA operations and services. The following tools are available from the specified OEA departments listed below. Regular communications …

image: black office folders on the shelves
OEA Governance Documents

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining Nondiscrimination

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining 403(b) Special Pay Plans

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining College Credit Plus

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining Salary

This content is for OEA members only.

OEA-R 2018 Elections
OEA Elections Manual

This content is for OEA members only.

Community Outreach

Why Participate in a Community Outreach Program? Your local association is a vital part of any community. Whether you live in a rural area, a small community or a large city, people are interested in the activities of people who …

Local Chapter Development: Ten steps for organizing

Step One: Form a Steering Committee What is a Steering Committee A Steering Committee is a small group of people who share common interest and goals Whom can I contact? Friends, classmates, roommates, club members, people in your dorm. How …

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