OEA Pres. DiMauro: Your Feedback on State Report Cards Needed
October 15, 2019 | VBlog By OEA President Scott DiMauro
Please take a few minutes to view my latest weekly update on things happening in and around OEA.
This week, I have an important ask for feedback to help guide us in our efforts to design a plan for a better state report card system.
I also have information to share regarding the 21 days we have left before the 2019 election as well as updates on how we’re preparing for 2020. (Please be sure to respond to an invitation to attend an FCPE Reorganization meeting near you.)
I hope you can join us on Twitter tonight at #OEA2020 to weigh in with your reactions to the presidential candidates.
Also, if you haven’t done so yet, please pledge to be an Education Voter by clicking on this link: https://educationvotes.nea.org/presidential-2020/2020pledge/
I welcome your feedback. Please contact me if you have questions, would like an officer to visit your local, or have anything to share.
Have a good week!
Scott DiMauro
Ohio Education Association
Shaping a Vision for Accurate, Meaningful State Report Cards
Dear OEA Member,
Ohio’s current system of using flawed report cards to measure the performance of school districts and school buildings needs to be revamped. Legislation is being discussed in Ohio legislature.
OEA is calling for an end to the use of arbitrary letter grades and questionable methodologies that are biased against low-income districts.
Our goal is to make report cards easier to understand so that they are more useful for parents and the community.
Here’s where we need to hear from you. As an educator, what do you think should be included in measuring student success? What do you think would be useful for the public to know about Ohio’s schools? Input from you will help greatly in shaping a vision for a more accurate and meaningful report card for Ohio’s schools.
You can review your school district’s current report card through the Ohio Department of Education’s website: https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov.
Thank you!
OEA Pres. Scott DiMauro: Local Presidents’ Handbook and Important Member Surveys
October 8, 2019 | VBlog By OEA President Scott DiMauro
Dear Colleagues,
Please take a few minutes to view my latest weekly update on things happening in and around OEA.
This week, I’m excited to congratulate an OEA member who has been named the 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year, summarize the work of members who came to Columbus last week as part of our All Committee Weekend, and provide a heads-up to all of you on a couple of important surveys we’re conducting with members.
I also want to highlight the great work of our Local Development and Training Committee and our local presidents’ cadre who have collaborated on a fantastic new Local Presidents’ Handbook. We’ve been getting rave reviews on it. If you haven’t seen it yet, or to share it with local presidents you know, please see the attached document or go to this link on the members-only section of the OEA website: https://www.ohea.org/presidentshandbook/.
Have a good week!
Scott DiMauro
Ohio Education Association