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STRS Board Adopts New Funding Policy Amendments

STRS Board Adopts New Funding Policy Amendments

 Changes made toward the goal of achieving full funding

Image: State Teachers Retirement System, exteriorDuring its May 16, 2019, meeting at State Teachers Retirement System (STRS), its Board voted to adopt funding policy changes to outline objectives and the criteria for making changes to funding and benefits as well as when those changes should be considered by the Board.

Additionally, at OEA’s urging, the Board adopted a change that at an 85% funding level or greater, the Board may consider changes in the plan that do not materially impair the fiscal integrity of the system.

OEA supports this change and supports restoration of COLA benefits as well as a reduction in employee contribution rates as financial conditions improve.

Click here to LEARN MORE or to download the June 2019 OEA Retirement Systems Update Memo.


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Vote for Arthur Lard for STRS Board

OEA endorses Arthur Lard for the STRS Board.

OEA’s recommended candidate is dedicated to the financial security of our pensions and acting in the best interest of all STRS members.

All educators deserve the ability to retire with financial security. Strong pensions provide a predictable, guaranteed benefit for educators when they retire.

That is why OEA continues to advocate for policies and support board members on the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Board who have the best interest of members in mind and that ensure the financial security of the system.

The STRS Board makes critical decisions that affect both active and retired teachers. That’s why a panel of active and retired OEA members interview prospective candidates for the STRS Board based on their knowledge and experience on retirement issues. The screening committee makes recommendations to the educators who serve on the OEA Board of Directors who then vote on these recommendations.

In 2023, OEA members have the opportunity to elect an active seat representative to the STRS Board. For the active seat on the STRS ballot this year, OEA has recommended Arthur Lard for re-election.

Lard is a business education teacher in Portsmouth City Schools with 30 years of experience and has served as treasurer of his local association for more than 20 years. This background has served him well as an OEA representative on the STRS Board since 2019.

As an OEA member, Lard knows what retirement security means. It means having a retirement system that is stable and well-funded so that members can afford to retire comfortably knowing their benefits will last the rest of their lives. Now that he is completing his first term on the STRS Board, Lard wants to continue to be a voice for all teachers.

Like many teachers, Lard wanted to be sure that the people making decisions about his retirement money had the best interests of educators at heart. To ensure this, he ran for the STRS Board. As a member of the STRS Board—which now includes only two OEA members—Lard has advocated for the best interests of OEA members and educators across the state. He has fought for and supported policies that have kept STRS financially secure, worked to return benefits to members, and opposed initiatives that would put the pension at risk.

As a member of the Board, he helped remove an age 60 requirement so many teachers can retire earlier and secured a three percent cost-of-living increase for retirees. Today, the STRS pension and healthcare plans are stronger.

“It has been my honor to represent you on the STRS Pension Board and to work to protect our STRS pension—the cornerstone of our financial security in retirement as educators,” Lard said.
“Beginning in 2019, when I started on the Board, the plan’s funding status improved from 75.5% to 80.9%, with an estimation at being 100% funded by 2044. This improvement ensures that all Ohio educators’ pensions will be there for them in the future.

“Under my watch, the retiree health care benefit’s solvency improved enough that we could lower health care premiums and provide hundreds of dollars in rebates to each retiree on their medical premiums. This fiscal year, we were able to pay a 3% cost of living (COL) increase to current retirees and eliminate the age-60 retirement eligibility requirement for future retirees allowing educators to retire earlier.”

Lard’s opponent, and his supporters on the STRS Board, continue to make empty promises for policies that would put our pension at risk. OEA members need to re-elect Lard to the STRS Board because he is dedicated to keeping our pension financially secure long into the future.

For Ohio’s teachers, the benefits provided by STRS are crucial to our economic security in retirement. It is important that we ensure that the members elected to the STRS Board are prepared, dedicated, and will protect our interests.

Lard is dedicated to ensuring all OEA members have secure, reliable pensions and access to health care benefits in retirement. What drives me to seek reelection as an STRS Board member is to ensure that all educators, and those who have yet to enter the profession, have a safe, reliable pension that they cannot outlive,” Lard said. “That’s something that all Ohio educators deserve and need.”

Ballots for the STRS Board election will be mailed in early April to eligible voters at their home address. When your ballot arrives, vote right away to re-elect Arthur Lard to the STRS Board so we can continue to build a strong pension for all Ohio educators. Votes can be cast by mail, phone, or online. The deadline for voting is May 1, 2023.


Why should you vote for Arthur Lard for the STRS Board?

Arthur Lard fights for the financial security of our pension benefits
  • He believes that all educators deserve the ability to retire with financial security. He will make sure that our STRS pension will continue to remain strong and secure for all Ohio teachers, including retirees, active teachers, and those just entering the profession.
  • He believes pension security should be a top priority. He will fight against unproven investment schemes targeting our pension dollars.
As a teacher and OEA member, Arthur Lard will act in the best interest of educators.
  • He believes transparency should be a top priority. He will fight to make sure members are aware of investment decisions that affect their retirement.
  • Last year, the STRS Board approved a measure to eliminate the requirement that members be 60 years old or older to retire and approved a one-time 3 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for eligible retirees. Arthur abstained on this vote, not because he opposed the measure, but because he wanted the Board to do more to benefit ALL members by also reducing contributions for active teachers. Arthur supports continuing to return benefits to ALL STRS members when it is fiscally responsible to do so.
  • He has been on the STRS Board for over 3 years and is a proven leader. In that time, the solvency of the health care plan has improved greatly, so it will be there for current and future retirees, and we have lowered health care premiums and provided rebates to retirees.
Arthur Lard will never overpromise just to get elected.
  • Unlike his opponent, Arthur will never make empty promises, that would put your pension at risk, just to get elected. Arthur is dedicated to keeping STRS solvent long into the future.
  • He is one of only two OEA members on the STRS board. He will continue to honestly serve and represent the best interests of educators and be a voice for OEA members.


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