Month: September 2009

Teacher Burnout: What Stresses You Out?

Often teachers go into the profession with visions of inspiring eager young minds in a supportive and fully funded environment. Unfortunately some of the realities of teaching are not so ideal. Who expected all the paperwork that is required and …

Health Care Reform Petition

Please sign NEA’s petition to tell your elected leaders that we need health insurance reform and we need it now! The cost of inaction is too high! Too many of our fellow Americans are uninsured, delay needed care because they …

Negotiations Misconceptions Quelled 101

Reprinted with permission from Dr. Homeslice, an education blog by a teacher who’s actively involved in his union Having been involved in contract negotiations and the bargaining process now for a number of years with my local, I’d like to …

Do You Have an Idea for an Article or Discussion Topic?

Submit your idea for an article or discussion topic, to be posted here, on the OEA website, or in another OEA electronic newsletter. You can also submit an idea for an article or opinion piece that you’d like to write …

H1N1 Lesson Plan

PBS has crafted some lesson plans on H1N1, designed for grades 10-12 in Secondary Life Science, Biology, Health, and Current Events – Students will: Utilize prior knowledge to answer questions about viruses and form a definition of the term …

House Bill 1: FAQ

If you have any questions about House Bill 1, the educational provisions contained in it, or its implementation, please post them here. Lottery Funds: What happened to the money and how much is going to schools? Since 1974, the Ohio …