Audience: Education Support Professional

OEA urges Ohio Department of Education to verify ECOT’s dropout-prevention eligibility claims

In a letter sent to State Superintendent Paolo DeMaria, Ohio Education Association President Becky Higgins urged that the Ohio Department of Education “use its statutory authority to verify ECOT’s dropout-prevention eligibility claims.”     Dear Superintendent DeMaria: When the sponsor …

OEA Awards and Scholarships

The upcoming January 21, 2022 deadline is quickly approaching for many OEA awards & scholarships.

There’s still too much testing

Testing has long been misused to the point where it has lost any potential usefulness in the education of our nation’s children. Questions have been raised by parents and educators not only about the amount of testing that takes place, …

September 2017 Ohio Schools

HEART OF IT ALL: Educators and students at center of work to find solutions to Ohio’s growing opioid crisis

OEA says new state report cards don’t tell the whole story

COLUMBUS – September 25, 2017 – “The new report cards showing a statewide improvement in student test scores in many but not all areas of the state are a welcome development,” said OEA President Becky Higgins, “as students adjust to …

Educational Support Professionals: Supporting Students at Times of Crisis (webinar)

Crisis is common in the lives of students, whether due to a crisis involving a student’s individual family or one that affects the entire school community. The presentation will provide practical suggestions on how to identify common adjustment difficulties in children in the aftermath of a crisis and to promote effective coping strategies to reduce the impact of the crisis.

ESP Professional Development Opportunity

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7:00 PM EST – 8:15 PM EST Register at:   What is School IPM? Integrated Pest Management or IPM is a strategy that ensures safe, cost-effective and sustainable pest management, reducing risks associated with pests …

June 2017 Ohio Schools ‎

OEA student members and new educators join together to “Fuel the Fire to Inspire”

OEA applauds Governor’s vetoes of cap on Medicaid expansion and charter school measures, but is disappointed by other actions

COLUMBUS – July 1, 2017 – “The legislature’s attempt to put a cap on Medicaid expansion would have had a profoundly negative impact on our students and their families,” said Becky Higgins, President of the Ohio Education Association (OEA). “We …

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