Category: General

Alternatives to merit pay

A newly released report highlights incentives that can be much more effective in attracting and retaining quality teachers than simple merit pay programs. The report shows how merit pay programs that reward teachers based on their students’ standardized test scores do little to improve student achievement and offers information on other incentives that could be more successful. Learn more at

SB 5 threatened our ability to make a difference in students' lives

Eleven years ago I started teaching special education so that I could make a difference in the lives of the students who need it most—children with severe and multiple disabilities. I live and work in one of the state’s highest poverty per capita areas, and I wouldn’t change what I do for the world. I didn’t become a teacher to get rich; I became a teacher to serve.

Issue 2 would hurt the future of public education

Collective bargaining becomes collective begging if one of the parties involved has the legal power to decide the final outcome with no legal recourse for the other party. Senate Bill 5, which is now Issue 2 on the ballot, does not revisit collective bargaining—it destroys it. It is similar to going to a dentist and he pulls all the teeth because in his professional opinion a few were bad.

Teaching middle schoolers, it was more than a job—it was a calling

After 32 years in the teaching profession, I recently retired but work hard to stay current on educational issues and practices. I loved my career teaching middle schoolers. To me, it was more than a job—it was a calling. That’s …

Politicians may try to trick, but Issue 2 is NO treat

OEA volunteer reflects on her night of going door-to-door on Halloween For those of us who routinely spend Halloween on the road campaigning for one issue or another, the canvass can seem monotonous. You knock on door after door, delivering …

Schools too quick to cut fine arts courses

In tough economic times, fine arts education courses are among the first on the chopping block. For some of my at-risk students, the arts sometimes are the sole reason they come to school. My students like music and they love …

State tests could be one of the criteria for both “merit pay” and any salary increases

I have never wanted to be anything but a teacher. My childhood stuffed animals were regularly lined up, waiting to hear a story or learn about words or numbers. Teaching dance and music lessons in high school helped to pay …

Stand up for students and public education

For three decades, I worked in public education—dedicated to making a difference in the lives of my students. As a 30-year classroom veteran, I know what it takes to help our children achieve and succeed. I also know that if …

Issue 2 ultimately will hurt my students

Born and raised in Dayton, I became a teacher after working two years in the business world, feeling like my work didn’t make a difference. I entered the teaching professional to contribute to my community and inspire children—just as my …

Everyone knows teachers don’t choose their profession for the money

Everyone knows teachers don’t choose their profession for the money—I sure didn’t. I am, like so many other teachers, just passionate about teaching. So, when teachers like me sound the alarm about budget cuts, it’s because we are on the …

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