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Leading the Way for Children and Public Education

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Portrait of a Lunch Lady

Portrait of a Lunch Lady

My name is Tina Adams, and I am the lunch lady. Every school day for the past 27 years, I have cooked healthy meals and nutritious treats to feed hundreds of hungry kids. For many of my students, the food I serve may be the only meals they receive all day. I keep my students’ bellies full, so teachers can feed their minds.

Working in the school cafeteria, I recognize if my kids aren’t learning because they’re hungry. If my students aren’t eating their vegetables, I know it. I also keep a watchful eye on students who suffer from diabetes or have dietary restrictions. From the time the bell rings in the morning, to when school lets out, I’m their mom.

Not only do I serve as head cook at Prospect Elementary School in Mansfield, I’m also a mother of five children.

We need to rebuild the American Dream and Ohio’s middle class, but Issue 2 works to dismantle it. Issue 2 is unfair, unsafe and hurts my students and working families like mine, that are just trying to make ends meet.

If Issue 2 passes, I won’t be able to help my students get what they need to succeed—and that’s just wrong. That’s why on November 8, I’m serving up a big  helping of NO on Issue 2.

—Tina Adams, food service worker, Mansfield, Ohio


Member Stories
SB 5 / Issue 2

Students Lose with SB 5

My name is Sophia Rodriguez, and I am the American dream.

The daughter of a migrant worker, my parents came to Mercer County in the ‘50s so they could build a better life for me and my three siblings. I vividly remember that day my mother received her GED—I was in the eighth grade and my father, who didn’t have the opportunity to finish school, reminded us that education was the key to a better future.

Now I’m a classroom teacher. For more than two decades I have dedicated my life to education, and to creating opportunities for my students so they can help strengthen their own families and communities.

But I can’t do it alone.

Every year I return to the classroom, I see the changes. There’s no funding for field trips or money to buy new books. We’ve scaled back on staff and services. Students are clamoring to compete in a global society, but we can’t improve out-of-date technology or replace antiquated computers. For my students, the American dream is becoming more and more out-of-reach. And that’s simply not fair.

That’s why in November, I’m urging my friends, family and neighbors to vote NO on Issue 2. We cannot afford to let our kids fall through the cracks. The American Dream should belong to them, too.

—Sophia Rodriguez, high school Spanish teacher, Coldwater, Ohio


Member Stories
SB 5 / Issue 2

School Nurse: Safety At Risk

In the 21 years that I have been a school nurse, I’ve seen it all. From treating students with strep throat to comforting children who are coping with mental illness, I have devoted my life to helping kids. That’s why I have very real fears that Issue 2 will put students at risk. We need school nurses and support professionals who really know our students, not contract workers hired because that’s cheaper.

Unfortunately, I’ve had a preview of what could happen if we don’t defeat Issue 2 on the November ballot.

I have known of educators in other states who have lost collective bargaining rights. As a result, they now are facing a very different reality. In some cases they are confronting skyrocketing insurance deductibles, decreased preparation time, longer work days without additional pay and extra duties when substitutes are not utilized. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sadly, all these take-backs will ultimately affect student learning, safety and success.

Here in Ohio, we have an opportunity to right a wrong. Along with tens of thousands of other OEA members, I rallied against Senate Bill 5. After the Legislature refused to listen to us, I worked with colleagues to gather petition signatures so that we could get a measure to repeal Senate Bill 5 on the November ballot. By voting No on Issue 2, we’re repealing Senate Bill 5. We’ve come so far, and we can’t stop now.

That’s why I am getting my friends, family and neighbors involved, and urging everyone I know to vote No on Issue 2. Together, we have the power to make a difference for our students, our colleagues and our communities.

—Monica Whitty, RN, school nurse, Dayton, Ohio


Member Stories